

Taint easy livin free,season ticket ona 1wayride
Aug 1, 2012
Reaction score
sun prairie wi.
I want to thank every body in FABO for being such gr8 people and freinds .
I just had a chance of a life time to have back surgury ive needed for years butbeen turned down so many times because of unliklyness to do me any good . But threw time , advanced pain surguries lotts of prayers and NEVER GIVING UP thinking the technalagy would come
and ALL YOU PEOPLE helping me put my 65 Barracuda back together and building a new motor , helping me with all my questions , I'M BACK . i just had surgery 10 days ago and things are looking and feeling so much better ,I can 1/2 think again.
Some of you people know the disabling back pain you cant think through ,it hurts so bad ,
you just want to put a bullet threw your head . PLEASE DONT DO THAT!!!! I may have lost the ability to build houses or appartments , or dam near anything , But I had my family and my grandaughter to live for and my 65 Barracuda's to keep me buisy when i got over thinking POOR ME.
I got lost in the hospital 1 day and ended up walking into the childrens hospital and i cant tell you how bad i felt for those kids in there ,It kinda woke me back up to reality . these gental little kids werent whining and crying because they were all busted up or burnt up .
Then it hit me quit feeling sorry for yourself and praying for help for me, PRAY FORTHE CHILDREN and helping them could help me. All of a sudden 2 years went by and i found myself a grandpa and started raising here while every 1 was at work and when she turned 3
I found another 65 barracuda to work on and new where there was 2 more ,so i thought i would start building another Barracuda for her ,but knowing how hard they were to find parts for i knew it would be hard ,but it gave me more chance to learn about how to use a computer to look for parts ,and 1 night i found FOR A BODIE'S ONLY and found all of you MOPAR HEADS OUT THERE . You people took me in , helped me find parts and helped answer all my questions about building motor's and it felt like i found life again . GOOD KARMA started coming back around i started making new freinds , helping stay sober and
I started finding other people that were into 65 barracuda;s and Mopars ,gota new aditude
,We built my grandaughter a 65 barracuda we named strawberry found 2 more donor cars
and found i could trade or sell parts with you guy;s to help you build your 65s ,kept pushing the doctors to take a chance on me I have nothing to loose , and this Thanksgiving
my grandaughter will turn 9 years old. I havent been apart of this FABO family long
but i just want to say THANK ALL OF YOU for being a freind , helping every 1 the way a family would .
We sold Strawberry a year ago now because she cant drive for 7 more years and put it in an account for her 2020 MOPAR lol or school , rebuilt the drive train in my 65 Barracuda I've owned for 35 years , learned a little more about mopar motors and where i can go to look for parts , helped alot of people find parts for there MOPARS and the best part , I finally
got a chance to have surgury ,that really helped me loose alot of pain from breaking my back 14 years ago ,and still will never give up looking for another day to be alive in the USA
and spinning donuts in my 65 Barracuda at 53 years young , and seeing what tommorro brings.
If you have disabling back pain PLEASE PM ME . I cant make you any promises either but I can tell you what surgery cutting nerves did for me and where to look for this help.
and please listen to SAMMY HAGGAR Dreams
THANK YOU ALL winstoninwisc/ BAD MEDICINE / Jon
made 34,000 new freinds in FABO , 1/2 learned how to use a computer only if i could spell and type


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Can relate, have been through 3 back surguries, fusions, one cervical, 2 lower back.. And yes what a relief when they clip the nerves. Great story about your grandaugter! It does put friends and family in perspective. Let yourself heal and don't push yourself too hard.
I call it happy moparing. I'm glad you found a way to get yours.
hey Jon so glad you found comfort from your pain it really starts to mess with you mind after so long . don't over do now that your feeling better it's easy to do take some time .
I hope and pray that your surgery will provide lasting pain free comfort to you and allow you to do more of the things you really need to enjoy your family, your life and your hobbies! A man is nothing if he is unable so share, provide and enjoy what God has given him! You're always welcome here Jon, this is the best place to share triumphs like this, and you have a lot of friends here to help!!
Great news!
Please take it slow and easy.
I had part of bone/disc removed in lower back a few years ago.
Only I didn't take it easy and found myself having another procedure.(stupidity)

Good luck on recovery and great story.

Have been to several different docs with my back troubles, lumbar spinal stenosis. Basically it is what degenerative disc disease turns into. My family doc has told me that my skeletal, muscular and nervous systems are that of what he normally sees in a 65 year old...I am 49. Every doc I have seen said that I am pretty much sol when it comes to a fix due to the fact that my back is going to continue to deteriorate any type of surgery is just going to be a temporary fix at best. What is not helping me is all the extra weight. It is not just the pounds. Being obese sent my cholesterol climbing. Strokes run in my family so docs immediately put me on a statin. Sadly statins, or so I am told, are one of the drugs that once you start them they become a necessary evil. We have some sort of enzyme that is a marker for pain....mine is elevated....and one of my docs has told me this is a direct result of the statin. Sadly, for some of us, there is no real solution.
And before anyone asks, if anyone even reads my comments....yes I have tried manipulation....and it only makes things worse...
I'm glad you found us Winstoninwisc. This is a great place i have found for mopar car lovers , friendships , advice. Its my "facebook" my wife says.

Prayers sent for a speedy recovery my friend.

God bless and please hang in there. I am building my first hot rod and I'm in my 70's. Completing a life's dream. Never quit, never stop and always be grateful. Good luck, Tom
I also understand pain. 1985 I got dumped out of the back of a deuce and a half, landed flat on my back on a fist sized rock and ended up with "L5" pushed forward about 3/4" and the lamina broken off of it. I put up with the pain for 23 years because I was scared of the surgery. Finally when I could no longer walk and breath at the same time I gave up and had a fusion. Instantly dropped the pain by half! I'll never be pain free (nerve damage) but I can work and live with the pain.

Glad you got your car all fixed up! You can work on annother one for your grand daughter. She could be more involved this time, and it should be ready for her when she is ready for it!
Glad you're doing better Jon. Enjoy your new lease on life! Your experience makes me grateful for the measure of health I've got. I've learned to never take anything for granted.
Have talked to him, on occasion. Very articulate about small block Mopars, construction & life in general. Sports fan,as well.