To all my FABO friends and followers. :(



Shade Tree Vintage Auto on YouTube
Nov 27, 2007
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Well, I probably won't be on much for the next little bit as I came home from work today to find that someone came into our house and stole my computer. Stupid *(^%(* pieces of $&^%!! So anyhow, just wanted to let you all know ahead of time why I will be scarce. I can still check from my phone though. Have fun and don't miss me too much. :)


Also, Most of the stuff I shipped out should have been delivered today.
I'm very sorry to hear that.I hope they catch the puke and have a public hanging!
Like Bigdummy said, Don't get me started about **** for brains thieves
Sorry to hear the bad news J-M

Hang'em all
Sorry to hear this J. Did you file a police report or do you have a clue as to who the POS is?
That sux alright.Do you have some home insurance? We'll be watching for your return,it might be sooner than you think.8)
Thanks for the support all. Ya, I filed a police report and we (all te roommates) think that it was the roommate that I just kicked out for using drugs at the house. He and I didn't part on good terms. The main thing that points to retaliation is that nothing else of anyones was touched. Pretty shorty deal. But it will all workout in the end.
Kick him in the balls the next time you see him!

I got the 3rd member today and it looks great! I will pass the wheels for the wagon off to Ross the next time he is over here.
Sorry to hear Jeremy. My parts arrived today (Thanks!) and I bought the new bat for the wagon today, they didn't have a group 27 so I bought a 24, only diff is it's just a little shorter length wise, same width and height though.
Don't kick him in the balls, grab his throat and punch him in the balls with the other hand, follwed by a knee to the face square center.

Then tie him to the front of a red neck pickup with a big push bar and take him for a joy ride in the woods making sure to hit the deepest mud holes along the way.
That'll teach the prick not to steal from people he knows.
Sorry to hear that Jerimy!
I know thre feeling all to well too.
You need any help/advice getting a new computer give me a call.

Bruce B.
Man that sucks. I know how you feel in terms of anger and disappointment in humanity. Some low life's stole the motor and all the brackets from my evaporative cooler awhile back and it set me back about two hundred bucks.
Thanks again all. After a little message that the "suspect" sent via facebook yesterday, I have no doubt at all that it was him. Personally, I think if the person where inocent the might say something to the effect of; dude, that's not cool. I didn't touch your computer, sorry it was stollen. Blah blah blah. Not; "just sayin man, your a foggot, just because you kicked me out you think it's me. Faggot! Bhahaha." the laugh at the end is the real funny part. But hey, he's the real piece of **** in this matter, not me. I should reply to him and ask him why I should suspect him. After all, he has stolen money, food, and other smaller things from me. He has stole an I-pod from another roommate that we got back. He steels stuff from his work place. He's genuine walking pile of ****. Plus the fact that he thinks I owe him his deposit back and for two bongs that I threw away because he is the dumbest druggie in the world. Too bad I lost all of my data on the computer as well as the computer, but the police will do what they can and my insurance company kicks *** and they are going to send mr a check as soon as I fax the police report to them. Anyway, should be back soon.

JR and Ross, glad the parts arrived. I hope everyone elses did as well.

Later all, Jeremy
if you need a PC let me know, I got one sitting here, old but still kicks.