To me, Craig's list is officially taboo

Yep CL died years ago here. FB Marketplace sucks as already said.

I moved to Texas in '17 from rural Missouri, and Marketplace was decent. Yea mostly overpriced junk projects.... but way worse today. Selling old cars on there is total BS, like said.

Here's a funny story. I have been trying to get down to just a couple car due to being old and wore out. Selling a '75 AMC Hornet, straight six. Recent paint. Needs little. Good driver. Priced at $3500. No I did not do like 99% and price it at twice what it is worth. Lets say comparable to selling a slant Duster. (But fewer AMC guys out there than Mopar.) That is really a more than fair price. I list in on FB AMC forums and everyone says " really nice car, well worth the price, wish we were closer." ha ., Then you get all the guys that are fairly close and want to trade me a modern ish Honda or cycle. Can't rub two nickles together. Or the guy that wants 100 more pics and I give him my number and never calls ( costs too much? ha).
OK so I run the ad on FB Marketplace. Like said, lots of " is this still available?" and I already told them is the ad is up it is for sale. Stupid or just plain retarded? ( No disrespect to those mentally challenged!) OK so I get a couple of actually lookers. One is a flipper and he wants it 100 % perfect, but most all lookers will want it 100 % restored with everything new for rebuilt, and for pennies on the $. Then more trades offered of non running pickups, wore out Honda Civics, a litter of cats, and the " can I pay it off over time but take it on home?" OR the guy that offers $1000 because I have had it for sale a "while." Really??

The then there were a couple of guys that wanted to fly in and drive it back home 600-1000 mi. When I mentioned yes it runs and drives great for a 75 six Hornet, but I have only drove it maybe 20 miles at a time, then they back off. Crickets. WHY did I not just say, yea I drove it to Ohio and back just other day? ( yea, actually a PO drove it on Hot Rod Power Tour but I forget the year. Still have the sticker!!!.)

I think part of the deal is the economy is way worse than CNN says.
Or the average person is just getting lazier and/or dumber! :BangHead: :steering::steering:
The then there were a couple of guys that wanted to fly in and drive it back home 600-1000 mi. When I mentioned yes it runs and drives great for a 75 six Hornet, but I have only drove it maybe 20 miles at a time, then they back off. Crickets. WHY did I not just say, yea I drove it to Ohio and back just other day?
When I found, and purchased, my '68 F250 out in Idaho (I'm in MN), the seller swore up and down I could drive it back to MN, "No problem! In fact, we just drove it California and back..."

I sure am glad I had it shipped, as if I would have taken him for his word I would have been screwed "Big Time" given all the issues I found with it once it arrived.

A Man's Word just doesn't seem to be worth the air some of them breathe these days.
Back in the nineties, flew to Oakland, Ca. and bought a 67 383 Cuda. The owner was a real Mopar car guy, an engineer with Amoco Oil there, amateur road racer, and had gone thru that car completely, and said he put about 10,000 mi on it. Drove it back to Missouri and the most fun I have ever had in my entire life. He was an honest seller!!

That AMC Hornet I mentioned, I feel it would drive anywhere no isssue, but I will not tell a guy I have driven it more than I actually have had to make a sale. My feeling is any USED car ( 10 year old or 60 years old) is only to be considered "reliable" after the owner has had enough miles and experience with it to feel confident.

But. life is an adventure!!!!!
I have never had a Face book account and never will. It would be a most impressive sight to see a grave these days that says, “ Here lies a Gen X’er who never had Facebook.”

The main reason for no Facebook dates back to a job I used to have where it was highly encouraged to be a “gray” man. It stuck. Now, all I hear is that FB is filled with a bunch of BS and overpriced Mopar parts. I get my parts from the retailers and For * Bodies
I feel the same way about Facebook. I went for years refusing to do Facebook because I have a real life. However, I broke down about 2 years ago and got an account just so I could list on Facebook Marketplace. CL had gotten so bad (at least around here) that I had to try FB. That being said, Marketplace is ALL I use FB for. I have ZERO friends on FB, and I ignore EVERYTHING other than communications about things I am selling. In fact, I even set up a hotmail account that I use only for FB, and I only check it for sales communications. Then I purge everything. I even ignore friend requests from good friends and close family members. So when I say I don't do Facebook, that is what I really mean.
I feel the same way about Facebook. I went for years refusing to do Facebook because I have a real life. However, I broke down about 2 years ago and got an account just so I could list on Facebook Marketplace. CL had gotten so bad (at least around here) that I had to try FB. That being said, Marketplace is ALL I use FB for. I have ZERO friends on FB, and I ignore EVERYTHING other than communications about things I am selling. In fact, I even set up a hotmail account that I use only for FB, and I only check it for sales communications. Then I purge everything. I even ignore friend requests from good friends and close family members. So when I say I don't do Facebook, that is what I really mean.
I couldn't have said this any better myself, and that's exactly what I recently did for parts- I created a FB account, but under the name "Claire Belle", for both of our dogs, Claire and Belle. I, or rather, the dogs, have exactly one friend on FB, but they do they have their own Gmail account for this.

Speaking of which, I should probably check that account one of these days...
I REALLY REALLY HATE Phlakebook Marketpharce. I dispute the "fact" that there are less scammers on there than on CL. The search function on MarketPharce is just annoyingly ineffective. And what I DETEST is the lack of phone response. I don't want to have to ask a person a few questions that amounts to 4 days of "messages" back and forth, plus most of them ignore what you really asked, anyhow.

I HAVE found a few things on there but the time wasted is immense for the return. And worse, people have migrated away from CL, so now it's about useless

This is REALLY evident when you live in a rural area, as your quantity is way down from metro areas
There are some good FB specific car forums on there. I admit some seem to attack more ding bats that others. FB attracts more ding bats in general anyway!!
On fake book the "is item still available" is the automatic response in the reply box. You actually have to delete it for it to " not" come up.
I still buy occasionally on CL, recently I bought a Troy bilt horse tiller and a power washer. Both deals went fine. I don't have fake book. And don't want ii
It's getting to be too much work to sell on the internet with shipping prices and just all around inconvenience.

It's easier to load it all up whether it's good or not and haul it off. Gone in minutes and no more tripping over it, stubbing your toes on it and no more dealing with shady *** people who want to see what all you have all over the yard, asking creepy questions.
I REALLY REALLY HATE Phlakebook Marketpharce. I dispute the "fact" that there are less scammers on there than on CL. The search function on MarketPharce is just annoyingly ineffective. And what I DETEST is the lack of phone response. I don't want to have to ask a person a few questions that amounts to 4 days of "messages" back and forth, plus most of them ignore what you really asked, anyhow.

I HAVE found a few things on there but the time wasted is immense for the return. And worse, people have migrated away from CL, so now it's about useless

This is REALLY evident when you live in a rural area, as your quantity is way down from metro areas
I have had pretty good luck with FB MP. I hate FB, but I've had pretty good luck selling there. I just sold a pellet grill for $180 in 24 hours. I have yet to have a scam attempt on FB MP, but I assume it's only a matter of time.
Best th
I used to sell a lot of things on Craig's List. Then, aver the past few years, it has gotten more difficult. Years ago, most items I listed sold within a few days. People called me, we chatted, they came and they bought. Then I started getting more and more scam attempts. I continued selling on Craig's List because I eventually got some decent results. However, I just listed something on Craig's List and Fakebook Marketplace (which is also slipping into the scammer rabbit hole, but is still decent) and within 10 minutes I was contacted by 2 scammers who wanted me to verify a code they sent me. I told them to either call me or FORGET IT! They forgot it. I am DONE ever trying to list on Craig's List again.
Best thing to do with craigslist is state in closing comments
Of ad will not respond to RETARDS/DUMB *** questions and scams.
CL one time I noticed a 66 Mustang 289 coupe for sale 5 grand. I said to the wife "thats too cheap something is up..." The car stayed on CL but the price gradually went up. I suspect the person had it on there and the phone rang off the hook at 5 so they then went up untill the phone stopped ringing then came back down. Who knows what they got for it but as a buyer I dont have time for games you say 5 grand I show up with cash and take the car...
I have 16 trucks, without craigslist I would never find drivers .. tried every option , only one that works
I've made quite a bit of money on CL selling tools & machinery and yes, the foot traffic just isn't there anymore. I tried OfferUp, but I really don't like the platform -- it's too much of an app and I'm more of an analog guy. So, I'm left with tolerating FB.

The folks who complain about getting the code requests and scam messages on CL just don't understand that it's not a real person sending those messages (it's a bot, as in robot). So you can type in your ad that you won't respond to code requests all you want, but the bot won't read it. You'll still get the scam message. Just ignore it and wait for a real person to inquire.

While the FB "Is it still available" is highly annoying, it's just par for the course. It takes 2 seconds to reply "yes" and move on with your day. If they're a serious buyer, great. If not, wait for a serious buyer.

It's a sad fact that this is what our flea market culture has devolved into, but if you want to sell your junk, that's the muck you have to walk through. Or you can do like @Princess Valiant and load it all in your truck, light it on fire, and roll it down a hill.
The economy/inflation is dragging down the little guy. He is the guy that has a hard time coming up with $3-4000 for a "not so desirable" classic well worth more. The wealthy guy only buys the high end collectables and he always has $$$$$. He usually is not a fool though. The mid guy and slightly below, many times they want to buy a perfect car that someone else put all the work and $ in, everything new or rebuilt, and it musty be a DEAL!

ON Marketplace, if it is a deal/steal and a "desirable" model, it sells quick.

Overpriced taken apart builders sell S L O W! or never!