To mutch time



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FABO Gold Member
Jan 8, 2006
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on the hill
I must have to mutch time on my hand's
As I drive to my old house to check on thing's {vacont} I drive past a house
with a dog tied to a shady area by the road.Ive have not seen anyone there for about a month or so.back in november I gave the dog a 17lb of dog food and watered her.And left a note with my name and phone# on it.
I never herd back from them.
I can not sleep or do anythink with out worring about that dog.
New year's eve morn I stoped again and the dog had no water or food.
So on my way back from town I opened another bag of dog food and feed and watered her.And left the parshall bag of food on the driveway.
I did not leve a note I was so D@MED mad.
This morning I could not take that dog off my mind,So I just got back from there and there was a young man at home and he said to leave his F""''ing
dog alone and to get out of his yard.
So I lost my cool and told the BOY!! about 25 That if that dog don't have water and food here every day I will make sure he wont ever own another animal.
I sound like a crankie old man,Bt it sure feel's better getting it of my chest.
I dont blame you one bit. I have 2 dogs and I think of them as part of the family. Some might say Im a idiot for thinking like that, but oh well. I probably would of lost my cool and knocked his teeth down his throat. I agree if he cant take care of his dog, he shouldnt have one.
I am feelin alot beter now.about what I did.
And you can count on it. I will keep an eye on her!
And I will keep a jernal just in case. :angry2:
Just a pic to rase my spirit's
meat Socket injoying a 40 oz CC
I am in his house If I remember rite

socet  with c.c 40 oz 008resize 5.jpg
If they don't take care of her, Socket mite have a girlfrend! :love8:
I agree with Brett, knock his teeth down his throat! I have a few pets and living in the country my parents always taught me to take care of the animals. So do what I did with a dog I got one day, take the poor thing, throw it in the truck, and have a talk with the 'owner' behind the wood shed. (mother F'er shot the poor dog tied up on the chain with pellet guns and bb guns)
Good for you Mike. I despise people who get animals and then don't have the decency to feed, water, and exercise them on a regular basis. You showed a great deal of basic human kindness by feeding the dog, and the owner showed his true colors by giving you a rough time about that. I'm afraid I would have fed him also - a knuckle sandwich!
I back you 100%. The A$$ HOLE shouldn't have pets. I don't know if I could have just left without some confrontation. I have cats and they are part of the family. Some people can't stand cats. I say tuff! Keep us posted.

Fred B
memike said:
If they don't take care of her, Socket mite have a girlfrend! :love8:

A quick call to the local Human society will make the Owner's life a lot more interesting!! might bring you some peace of mind to.
I just got back from the kid'sgrandparent's house,they got wind of what happened and
asured me that susie [the dog's name] will be beter taken care of and offered me the money back on the dog food. It turned out the boy was afraid that Creed my son was going to pay him a visit and did not want any truble.Jim the grandparent said thank's for my time and counsern.Nice old guy.He sounded like he felt the same as yall.
A knucle sandwitch.He new me from the dirt track.Nice old fart
Well Mike, you started the New Year off with a really great deed. Good on ya' mate! :) If more people took the time to try and rectify even small wrongs, the world would be a much better place for both man and beast.
memike said:
I just got back from the kid'sgrandparent's house,they got wind of what happened and
asured me that susie [the dog's name] will be beter taken care of and offered me the money back on the dog food. It turned out the boy was afraid that Creed my son was going to pay him a visit and did not want any truble.Jim the grandparent said thank's for my time and counsern.Nice old guy.He sounded like he felt the same as yall.
A knucle sandwitch.He new me from the dirt track.Nice old fart

Jim sounds like my dad. Everytime he had a problem with kids in the neiborhood or suitors for my sisters he'd threaten to sick either me or one of my 2 older brothers on them. I'll never forget the new kid on the block with the smart mouth who hadn't yet heard of us, but that's another story. Good for you Mike, "you the man".
Thank you all for helpin me through a messed up day,I have just returned from town and found a 20lb bag of premium dog food on my front porch with a note on it'
The boy wrote Thank you Mr Slater for feeding Susie,

I think Jim must have pulled on his ear,
And you guys here at fabo Thank's again
I would call animal welfare, they will check in to it and remove the animal if there is a problem.
I drive by the house almost every day to see how she is doing.
And I will do exactly that AdamR if this happen's again :thumbup:
Good for you, Mike! I wouldn't wait to call animal control. All animals deserve better than the treatment of that scumbum! You are a hero! Keep up the good work!
Good job Mike! :thumbup: You did the right thing! Keep an eye out for that dog though, I get the feeling this kid will do it again. I picked up a Shep-Rott mix puppy from the shelter just 6 weeks ago. I can't imagine what drives someone to abuse an animal.

Jim sounds like my dad. Everytime he had a problem with kids in the neiborhood or suitors for my sisters he'd threaten to sick either me or one of my 2 older brothers on them.

Sounds like what my mom does haha, good to see some action was taken and I agree with Sid, if people took some time and did some good deeds every now and then it would help alot in this world, no matter how small or big.
ok, im going to be the asshole that says get off my property and mind your own damned business. i personally think that this country would be alot better off if people minded their own. what right did you have to go on their property? is it your dog? i have a dog too but if you were to come here and i wasnt home shed rip you a new ***. thats her job. i do agree with the others that say you should call animal control if the dog is neglected. your 1st post doesnt say anything about that.
I wish I could over look thing's like that.
But I can't,And if a dog or any animal is sufferin, I will be there to get my *** bit or help a dog out of a bad situation.I ges if I seen your dog tangeled up in bob wire and cant get to food I would take your advice not Frigen worry about it.
I will never Not worry about it!!! and all it will take for you to worry about thing's like that is to be consern for someone beside's yourself. That is just me
Oh yes I forgot to complement your job on acting like an asshole =D>