To the linemen/women who work the storms



FABO Gold Member
FABO Gold Member
Jan 8, 2012
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I here you down the road cutting the trees and working to get my power back! The wind is still howling and the rain is still on and off. Thank you!

Just filled the generator I hope for the last time tonight! Yes I did not hook it to my distribution so as not to kill you cause I have no transfer switch! God bless your work!
i seem to remember we got at least one lineman on here (think ive seen a picture of him standing in front of a white dodge)

on a side note, seem a picture of a buddy of mine (his brother showed it to me)
he served 2 years in the Marines and i guess is still a reserve
he got called back in to help with the release effort

on the picture he was equipped with his M16 and a german shepherd...guess that gives you an idea of the situation
These folks get out in the worst of weather to restore our power we sometimes take for not. They deserve a HoRaa! I still have no power but sure they are working to get it back on. The folks further south including my parents in the Ocala FL area are depending on them!
Thank you 1969383S ! :thumbsup: I was a lineman for 28 years, and have been in line work for almost 40 years. I will have a long day tomorrow getting our contractors to all of the outages we have piling up tonight. When the wind is above 35 mph, we can't put buckets in the air to work. Here in the mountains of Western NC, we're getting the wind that y'all got earlier today. People like you are the ones that make it all worth while, so thanks again for thinking of us. :thankyou:
my son in law is Missouri lineman, he just spent 3 week in Texas, and crew headed for Fl!!!!!! touch work and young family man, it is hard for him!!
Also need praise the telephone linemen & splicers. They work diligently to get your internet, land lines, & cell service back up. I've been doing strand & cable placement for 45 years this past May. I'm hoping to hear from contractors to head to Florida soon.
A large group of Hydro One workers trucks equipment from Ontario are on their way help.
Thanks to them all.
Be safe!!
Also need praise the telephone linemen & splicers. They work diligently to get your internet, land lines, & cell service back up. I've been doing strand & cable placement for 45 years this past May. I'm hoping to hear from contractors to head to Florida soon.


Xfinity had to wait for the linemen to finish but they were close behind. I use cable modem for internet and the cell coverage was slow due to overuse. Land line phone is a thing of the past for me. Directv at my house which I do myself and always have!

All these trades deserve a attaboy!!! And our respect!
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Just got word from my parents in Florida that the crew replacing the poles behind their house are from Wisconsin! Awesome the country comes together and helps each other this way!!
Knowing pops he has cheese and beer for them!
Im waiting for the call to go to Texas Or Florida. 20 year Verizon/Frontier/Cable maintenance. "You dig it up, Ill splice it in" My co-worker from Texas says there wasn't much buried there where he came from and aerial is pretty easy to repair. Its the flooded CO's that will kill an area code.
Im waiting for the call to go to Texas Or Florida. 20 year Verizon/Frontier/Cable maintenance. "You dig it up, Ill splice it in" My co-worker from Texas says there wasn't much buried there where he came from and aerial is pretty easy to repair. Its the flooded CO's that will kill an area code.

Most of us have mix of Ariel and underground in All my stuff to the house is under but at some point nearby is Ariel.
My parents ending up getting power late last night and land line phone and internet was close behind! It is good to have contact back quickly!
Well.....we finally got everyone that lost power from the storm here in NC back on yesterday. Dook Energy has canceled sending any more of us to FL because they have plenty of people there already, and the restoration is proceeding rapidly. I'm kind of thankful to not have to go at this point of the operation. The closer you get to the end, the more groups of different crews you have getting put closer and closer together....and it can get scary! Much greater danger of making something hot on someone else that could accidently be working on the same outage. Most of the time, this is why you will see the crews just sitting for a while after they get the lines repaired. We will ride/walk and look at every inch of it before we make it hot so we don't hurt anyone. This can be very frustrating for customers that have been out for days, and don't understand the danger. Thanks for your patience, on behalf of all the line workers. :thumbsup:
To each and every person that is involved in the rebuilding effort here in Florida, there are no words to describe the tremendous job you are all doing. It has been indescribable the way our people and country has come together for one cause. Maybe this is what was needed to make people realize that we all must get together for the greater good of mankind. Hopefully this will be the turning point for people to start caring for one another and helping each other if called upon. It has been a very humbling experience for me and my family but we came out stronger than ever. I hope that everyone has come away from this with a different attitude towards one another and will be more accepting of one another. I thank my friends on the forum that reached out to me during this horrible time. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for all you good people, we truly are a special brotherhood here, let us not forget this but learn from this experience. My best to you all.
I'm in Punta Gorda Fl. Hurricane Charley flattened my homein 04. Irma left us mostly unscaved. Now it's my turn to lelp out. Mopar show at the local Chrysler dealer Proceeds to Harry Chappen. Lent out my 5k generator, chain saw, power cords, retrieving gas, and just helping any one how needs it. They did it for me so I have to do it for them!
Ran up to Lebanon TN. This weekend for the Music City Mopar Club show. Was astonished with the procession of Lineman Trucks headed back north. I must have passed at least 400 going north from Georgia on the way. Large convoys of 20 or so. Got to thinking how great it is when the folks that keep the country going work so hard to help. We saw crews from as far away as Wyoming running up I-24. On the ride back today my brother was counting and was over 500 to include the Asplunde trucks headed back north.

Awesome response from these crews!!! Unfortunately I heard of one electrocution death of a lineman and one beating of a lineman that took a break for fuel "Lunch" and was attacked by 3 who were upset for their power still being out! WTF!!!

Great work guys many appreciate it!
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To each and every person that is involved in the rebuilding effort here in Florida, there are no words to describe the tremendous job you are all doing. It has been indescribable the way our people and country has come together for one cause. Maybe this is what was needed to make people realize that we all must get together for the greater good of mankind. Hopefully this will be the turning point for people to start caring for one another and helping each other if called upon. It has been a very humbling experience for me and my family but we came out stronger than ever. I hope that everyone has come away from this with a different attitude towards one another and will be more accepting of one another. I thank my friends on the forum that reached out to me during this horrible time. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for all you good people, we truly are a special brotherhood here, let us not forget this but learn from this experience. My best to you all.
Agree 100% scampman. it was wonderful to see crews from so many states and Canada come to our aid, we cant thank them enough!!! The crews in our area were from the Carolinas. My two boys assisted as we pulled together with our neighbors clearing fallen trees and debris in each others yards. Judging by what they have said after the fact, it left a deep impression on them that everyone got together.
Can't even begin to express how deeply grateful we are to them. It is what we need more of in this country, why does it take a disaster like these for all of us to come together? I am sick and tired of the attitude of people, all out for number 1. I am 60 years old and was raised to be caring and compassionate, no matter where they came from or what color they are. I will continue to do the same until God calls me home. I won't have to answer to the big guy upstairs when I go either. At least I will have no regrets either. I am sorry for telling it like it is but I see it even on here from time to time and it really pisses me off. Disasters or whatever I will continue to do as I was raised to do even if people don't like it. Be yourself and look out for one another, the feeling from that is indescribable . All it takes is a little effort on your end.
I truly believe most people are good and its all the negativity broadcast on TV and social media that leads people to think different. There's so much more good going on in the world but all we ever see is the bad.