today I am sad...



Mopar Kid
Jul 29, 2009
Reaction score
The Dalles
...because my parents have yet to let me work on my car.
They say it's because I haven't earned it yet, even after working ALLL summer and the rest of the year when I was TWELVE to buy the damn thing, then working until about six months ago to scavenge the parts to get it roadworthy.

why haven't i earned it? because even though i have good grades, they say that a few days a month off of school (with good reason) isn't okay.

are they justified? what should I say to convince them otherwise? (you'd best be some sweet talkers, I've said everything I can come up with and I'm dying to get my baby on the road, or at least put together)
You could try to tell them that you want to show them that you want to be responsible with both your schooling and your committment to owning your own vehicle and want to work on the car in your spare time(weekends) so you can show them that you can handle both your schooling and the car. If they have trust in you, I do not see any issues with this. I have grown children and if my kids showed me that their education comes first and that they want to save and buy their own car and be responsible for both, then I would be cool with it. Good luck!!!!!!
a few days off school must be with VERY good reason ... sorry

x2 School must take priority, your parents are doing you a favor, keeping you focused. Be thankful you have good parents, you're lucky, many kids don't have that advantage. They don't like seeing you sad but they want the best for you in the long run. The best thing you can do is turn your frustration into determination to do even better in school. Then when summer comes you can work on your car knowing you earned it.
I'm in my senior year of college, but have had older mopar daily drivers since I was 16. My Dad was always there to help me keep them running right, but to also remind me that my schooling had to come first. Unless something was needed to make me be able to get to school, it was put off until all of my other things were taken care of. My 69 Dart GT Convertible has spent more time in the garage than on the road during my college career. But, I look at it this way, by focusing on school work and putting my car plans on the back burner, I should be able to get into Pharmacy School and end up with a job that enables me to have money to work on my cars.

Just my two cents :read2:
As I looked at goldfish65's post I don't think I could add to it, You are very lucky to have parents that put first things fist and don't take having great parent's for granted 72goldduster :happy10:
Have patients grass hopper :clock::happy10:
As long as your parents are leading you by example, they are right.
If you miss school, is it to skip out or is it for genuine sickness?
What do they do and confront them if it's contrary to what they are teaching you.
Fair is fair.
My dad always said "No work, no pay. No pay = no play." simple isn't it?
they say that a few days a month off of school (with good reason) isn't okay.

Were you or a good friend/relative dying? B/c if not... Let's face it school isn't for everybody. But life never gets any easier than that, and obligations don't ease up any. Suck it up and graduate. From there, it's your call. But you owe it to yourself - and they owe it to you - to make sure you get at least that far (and not just by the skin of your teeth, either). 30 years ago you could start a career w/ no formal education. Today, McDonalds wouldn't even want to hire you.

So no, I don't think they're wholly unreasonable. Depending on the reasons, your grades, your (hopeful lack of a) criminal record, etc., I suppose they might be right to cut you some slack too. Can't tell as an outsider. But about 10 years from now you'll realize that most times they really did know best - and that's coming from someone who was in his senior year 10 years ago ;-)
...because my parents have yet to let me work on my car.
They say it's because I haven't earned it yet, even after working ALLL summer and the rest of the year when I was TWELVE to buy the damn thing, then working until about six months ago to scavenge the parts to get it roadworthy.

why haven't i earned it? because even though i have good grades, they say that a few days a month off of school (with good reason) isn't okay.

are they justified? what should I say to convince them otherwise? (you'd best be some sweet talkers, I've said everything I can come up with and I'm dying to get my baby on the road, or at least put together)
Maybe they feel a 13 yr old with a running car will lead you to miss more school?:-D
there are times even now that i'd like to take a day off school or work to work on my duster but i dont because i know that if i wait it'll be more rewarding then jumping in on it.
That's why we have evenings and weekends - to work on our cars when all our other chores are finished. Don't panic, stick with it and you'll get it done without the need to skip classes.
Sorry man, don't skip school just to work on a car...summer vacation is a great time to do it...and again, weekends as well...
Don't be in such a hurry to grow up! You are only young once.... Drag it out till the last. Then you have the rest of your life to be grown up.... UGH!

Other than this... What they said!

Bruce B.

Hang in there!
...because my parents have yet to let me work on my car.
They say it's because I haven't earned it yet, even after working ALLL summer and the rest of the year when I was TWELVE to buy the damn thing, then working until about six months ago to scavenge the parts to get it roadworthy.

why haven't i earned it? because even though i have good grades, they say that a few days a month off of school (with good reason) isn't okay.

are they justified? what should I say to convince them otherwise? (you'd best be some sweet talkers, I've said everything I can come up with and I'm dying to get my baby on the road, or at least put together)

What is the reason they are giving, ask them what you need to do to earn it. Be respectful.
Ask them if they would rather have you at home working on your car or out smoking meth with everyone else.
Not sure what your parents are like and how they were raised. Some people dont have the drive to work on old cars and dont see it the way we all did when we were younger. Luckly I grew up in a lower than middle class house and had to build my first car from 2-3 different trucks. I worked on that thing for 2 1/2 years before it hit the road. I bet the best way to get to work on it is try to ask your dad or father figure some tech questions and how tos about the car and see if he will get out there with you. Try to involve them a little with your project and see if you have better results. I dont know the situation and they may be involved allready. But no doubt they have their reasons more than likely. Stick with it though
A few days off of school a month is a lot of time to miss, even for a good reason. But, with that being said, maybe you could sit down with them and set some goals, both short term and long term that are in your best interest. Try not to include the car, but real life goals, the car can come up later. Then get to work on achieving your goals, whatever they may be. As you achieve what you set out to do, you will get a sense of what it's like to try, fail, and achieve what you are setting out to do. You will also get a sense of pride and responsibility that will not only benefit you for preparing for your life ahead, but it will show your parents that you are willing to work for something you really want until you get it.

That holds true when it comes to working on your project car also. Setting some short and long term goals will help you organize the many projects that you are going to need to undertake to get the car to where you really want it. Then get to work on achieving those goals. I think your parents will enjoy seeing you grow into a determined, responsible adult who can plan, execute and fulfill his promises and commitments.

To think that school is just for book learning information is missing the point of school altogether. It is really all about preparing you for life. It is designed to help you learn to research and develop a plan for you to enjoy the things that you may encounter as you become an adult. To miss out on the opprotunity to develop the skills needed to prepare you for the future is only cheating yourself. Doing your best in school will go a long way towards showing your parents that you are serious about what you do, whether it be with Mopars or any other path you may choose!!! I wish you all the success in any endeavor you may undertake!!! Geof
Sorry brother, theres an old saying I live by and I think everyone else here can agree.

"Work before play."

This way, when the end of the day comes and your work is done, the rest is yours worry free. In your case, school first. When the day is done or school year, the summer is yours. Seriously speaking, the car should be the least of your worries and the last thing to ever come up to be in the front of your mind.

From my stand point of view, you have triple the time to spend on the car this season over me and I work nights to free up my days. Keep that in mind.

Also, your parents gide you and make these deceissions with your best intrest in mind. I understand that you do not see it there way or understand why, even if explained, but in the long run, you'll see and understand.

Until then, play ball with Mom & Dad. They'll never steer you wrong.
As a wise old fart with a dart,I wish I could have changed a few things in my life when I was your age.I would have done the college/university years and gotten a really well paying jog as a engineer in the automotive trade or some thing alonng those lines.Education is the key to life,the more you know,the better you are in life,and trust me,once you get your *** out in the REAL world,and find out tall the B/S thats goes around,you be wishing to go back to school as fast as possible.Does it look like crap now,OH YA,because you have dreams that you want to come true,and you want them for yesterday.Now you are looking at things through the eyes of a 15 boy/young man,with a ever changing body and mind,and wondering why they don,t see your piont of view,but they do see you,and your pionts of view.They understand you,and when you look back at this in 2-3 years,you will see the patients they want you to have to enjoy the car that you have built over time.You are only young once,adult hood last till you die,so pull back on the rains,slow the kart down and relaxe,as great things come to those who wait,trust me on this,mrmopartech 51 years young
I agree with the ones above the a few days off of school each month is a whole bunch to miss, regardless of your grades. I know that if I had a son your age and he missed a few days a month of school I wouldn't let him play. Priorities come first. Maybe don't miss so much school and they'll let you work on it.

Please take this as constructive criticism.
Take it from another young gun. I missed a couple days a month due to skiping, and other reasons.. It's not worth it, I wish I wouldve stayed those couple days. Cause if you miss one, your behind in school work. So it's better off to use spring break and summer vacation for the play time, and I hope you'll have your duster running and ready by the time you get your lisence. But for now, stay in school, and try not to miss any days. I know it's hard, but we'll all struggle through it

remember we are always here if you need to vent about anything ! It doesn't have to be mopar related. :)

Well, well, well. Keep in mind 72 that you ask for opinions and i think your request included those that might not be as palitable as you would like so set back and enjoy this session. Speaking from experience in the area of parenting, which you do not have, it is a very important and sometimes not such a rewarding experience when one is comfronted with a rebelious offspring, and i'm not saying you are. I'll just bet your parents want the best for you, as i did my children , and will do all in their power to make your life as rewarding, to them and yourself, as they can. You have one up on a lot of younger folks as you were smart enough to come here and ask for advice from the older generation here on this site. Several years ago i saw a sign in a novilty shop that fit the situation of child rearing at the time in our house so i bought it and hung it on my sons door where it still remains today. It goes like this. "Teenagers, Tired of being harrased by your stupid parents? ACT NOW !!!! Move out, Get a Job, Pay your own bills, while you still know everything". Give that some thought and i mean some real thought. Size it up like this. What's for dinner tonite? I'll bet it was good and i dont know what it was but you can bet it beat what you might have had to dig out of a dumpster had you had folks on crack and sent you out on your own a few years ago. Was your bed warm and toasty when you became tired enough to head that direction? I'll bet you never really gave it any thought. You took it for granted, didn't you. STOP RIGHT THERE. Not just that one issue, but how much of what your mom and dad do for you and provide for you, do you take for granted? You think they go to work everyday so they can shoot the bull with all their buddys and get out of the house. I'll bet it's because they wish to provide you with all the things that your thinking grows on trees. Aint happening. Nows the time to thank your heavanly father that you do have parents that do love and provide for you. It chaps my *** to hear parents lie to their children, meaning, the kid will act up and the parent tells the kid they are gonna spank them and never do. They lied to the kid and never meant a word of it. By the sounds of things, your parents arent that type, and you can be thankful for that also. Your a fortunate young man that should be counting his blessings to have parents that care. Keep this in mind. "There is no room at the bottom" and your parents know this as many of us members know also, so strive for the top. You can do it and when you do come back here in a few years and thank us old geezers and let us know you took our advice. Now for a method to your madness. Get in the books and do the best you can and when you think you have proven youself do this. Dont say "Can i work on my car? " That's to direct. Smear some love in with it and you'll accomplish alot more. Tell your dad that you need some of his advice and that you need to talk with him. He'll like it. Take him outside to talk. Get you two a couple of 5 gallon buckets and go out and set by your car. Ask him how much he knows about the aspects of working on one of these rigs. Start a real conversation so you two can get to know one another. You may find he's limited in his knowledge as you probably are. Ask him what he'd do first to the car? Seek his knowledge no matter how deficient it may be. He'll like that. Just thank him for his time and let him know how much you appriciate his companionship and that you are looking forward to doing it again on a regular basis. You have now broken the ice and things are going to start to happen. I'll bet his next conversation with mom will be something on the line of you and him working on the car together. Try it and see if that approach will get you where you want to be. Remember, Dads need love too.
Small Block
Stay in school. Get great marks. This will give you options...and may give you a job that you can afford nice toys like your Duster.

You parents are SMART. Listen to them.

lotta stuff that'll be helpful in this thread now, and even later down the road. I'm glad I asked for everyone's opinion.

worked it out with mom and dad, and for every whole week I make it to school on time every day,(instead of one whole month at a time) the following weekend I get to work on the duster! this way I can do what I want, my parents get what they want, and I get to learn an important lesson. WORK BEFORE PLAY!

thanks for the support, and I should be posting updates on my car soon!