Took it in the shorts three times in a month?



Legendary Member
Dec 7, 2006
Reaction score
You know I guess it doesn't do me any good to try and help other members. All I ask for is postage. I mail out parts on the honor system in response to members needing small parts, usually nothing to big and ask for just postage in one case and 4.00 in another and 10.00 in a third case. Screwed 3 times this month alone! Oh well three more on the ignore list.
Don't know what to say. In the early sixties, when I was a "boy" I first got into amateur radio. Back then it was sort of a fraternity, and if you effed up you caught 'ell from those who were your "fellow amateurs."

For a very long time now, "anything goes." I used to "get on" with the "on the air" swap meets and go to "hamfests." I once bought an antenna tuner, a Nye VIking like this:


and yep. I asked "all" the questions.

I could smell the damn stinky thing as soon as I cut the package.

It had tobacco stains all over the front and the plastic on the meter, and the inlay on the knobs was all scratched up.

There was a giant egg shaped hole someone had hogged out of the rear for unknown reasons

The wattmeter board looked as if lightning had hit it.

I have photos, somewhere

It didn't even leave work. Shipped it back, and of course never recovered either shipping or phone charges. I had to threaten him to get the original price. I threatened to send it to then W7BUN, the net control, and let HIM look it over. THAT finally got a response.

My last bad deal, a few years ago, was trying to help a beginning ham, looked over a 2 meter (VHF) "rig" at a hamfest. Ask the guy questions. "Oh yeah, works great." The volume pot was so bad you couldn't get ANYTHING out of the speaker or phone jack. This is a job, that if you had to pay a commercial shop rate, would've been worth more than he paid for the radio.

I changed the pot for free, and now he's no longer a friend.

So in some ways I got screwed twice, even though it was only my time.

The point? Is there one? There are honest folk and there are scumbags, there is everything in between, and there are some that are a hell of a lot WORSE.
That's messed up.

Ok people, man up and send this guy what you owe him before we start asking names.

Yea you got it, over a few bucks.
Is it worth it?
wow, can't believe how lame some people them a favor and they burn you for the shipping, members need to be more trustworthy than this........this is bs.

this hurts everyone on, your a standup guy, really pisses me off that members can't do what they say they're going to do........

Damn Roy, I can't even fathom doing that to someone. I've always sent extra in a situation like that, just to show my thanks. I just don't get some people I guess :banghead:.
That's messed up.

Ok people, man up and send this guy what you owe him before we start asking names.

Yea you got it, over a few bucks.
Is it worth it?
Agree TrailBest, Messed up and selfless...

wow, can't believe how lame some people them a favor and they burn you for the shipping, members need to be more trustworthy than this........this is bs.

this hurts everyone on, your a standup guy, really pisses me off that members can't do what they say they're going to do........


Saying/typing and putting on face people that don't take the time and do what is right pisses me off, not that I have had to put up with many, but I have back a couple years ago... I hope the one barrel carb they snooker'ed me out of because I sent it because it was a (so called emergency) made then lose $50 worth of tools :glasses7: It's all behind me know :D

Damn Roy, I can't even fathom doing that to someone. I've always sent extra in a situation like that, just to show my thanks. I just don't get some people I guess :banghead:.
Me ether Rick, I say post up these folks before they take advantage of any more good members here soon as posable.... I don't want to hear any excuses ether... :protest:

28,000 members in fabo city...bound to be some drunks/panhandlers/degenerates...that sucks!
Got to be some, But we can cut them loose and let them go some where ells
I think, post up and put a strap on'em ... or they will hit and take advantage of another good member...
I have too much of a conscience. I will pay up front first, as I would expect when I sell something. I recently sold a poster that had a tear in the middle which I didn't catch when I advertised it......I caught it when I packed it to mail. I refunded the guy a few dollars because of the tear. He told me later that I didn't have to do it, but it really bothered me that I didn't sell him a good piece that I had advertised.
You know I guess it doesn't do me any good to try and help other members. All I ask for is postage. I mail out parts on the honor system in response to members needing small parts, usually nothing to big and ask for just postage in one case and 4.00 in another and 10.00 in a third case. Screwed 3 times this month alone! Oh well three more on the ignore list.

Those should be the ones that get humiliated in public! That's the thing that makes this site great is the friendship and the generosity of folks like you. And others that jump in and help when they can.
Stiffing someone stems from a lack of personal pride.

It's obvious pride is becoming a thing of the past. Just look at how some people dress in public. I wouldn't be caught dead in my pajama pants even going out to the mailbox in my own yard.
I would like to add those names to my ignore list myself. the nerve of some people, you go out of your way to help them on your dime and that's the thanks you get. what a bunch of selfish ,inconsiderate , ungrateful shitheads
Who ever did this is most likely reading this thread.
Now how do you feel?

Hi Roy, a 2-3 months ago, you sent me a cam washer, I sent you the shipping $ back in the mail, hope you got it ok.....:glasses7:

Sometimes it sucks being the nice guy, thanks for helping me out, I was in a jam and you saved the day!
Roy, we're in awful shape, but I speck I can shoot you 5 bucks to help make up for some of it.
Roy, we're in awful shape, but I speck I can shoot you 5 bucks to help make up for some of it.

Ya know, it's not the money RRR it's the the idea.
If I thought it was breaking him I would too, but I think it's just the inconsiderate crap that is bugging Roy.

I was hoping that they would see this thread and send him his money without any of us ever having to know who it was.

Roy, the amount does not matter one bit (as far as the responsibility goes) It's the morals that are important.
So if they don't even up with you, we would like to know who it was so they dont screw someone else on something bigger.

Short version, thier word should be good no matter the amount.
If it isn't, then we should know about it.
I can't imagine someone would let thier name get trashed over a few bucks, but if that's what it takes then so be it.

I say give em a week or so and see what happens.
Hopefully the right thing as well as an appology.
Just another reason why a forum of shame would be a good idea......To avoid it being a tarring and feathering forum after the OP has his/her say it gets closed to the accused folks are willing to step up. After they have there say it gets closed again. But hey, we have the feed back system......oh is completely USELESS in this case....
Give us names, we want names so someone else doesn't get screwed. The last time I took it the shorts was my annual checkup.
Yup total BS. I have mailed people parts and not even ask for postage. It seems to always come back to me somehow. Almost anyone I have dealt with are stand up guys! We help each other out and that is how it should be!

I sent Loosenutz a timing cover over a year ago no charge not even postage. He in turn today is sending me his custom bushings for the MSD Dizzy...... No charge!

Crackedback and I have done the same thing many times over. It works well!

Here is a couple examples of how it came back around a few times already.

younggun2.0 sent me some brake lines asking for postage only. He sent me his paypal and within a couple minutes I took care of it.

Rustyratrod sent me a front drum for a 904 asking for postage only and same thing within minutes I sent him the funds via paypal.

Thanks guys!
Yup total BS. I have mailed people parts and not even ask for postage. It seems to always come back to me somehow. Almost anyone I have dealt with are stand up guys! We help each other out and that is how it should be!

I sent Loosenutz a timing cover over a year ago no charge not even postage. He in turn today is sending me his custom bushings for the MSD Dizzy...... No charge!

Crackedback and I have done the same thing many times over. It works well!

Here is a couple examples of how it came back around a few times already.

younggun2.0 sent me some brake lines asking for postage only. He sent me his paypal and within a couple minutes I took care of it.

Rustyratrod sent me a front drum for a 904 asking for postage only and same thing within minutes I sent him the funds via paypal.

Thanks guys!

This is the way it should be, but NOOOOOOOO
There has to be people that take advantage.

I still say give em a week to see this and pay up then fire away.
Seriously, I don't want to end up helping someone that screwed another member.