torq and value



Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2008
Reaction score
north east ohio
i am wondering about the stall speed on this thing and what is fair market value.I was told 3000 but when i moved the car around i had to go at least 1500 rpm to get it to move.I just dont want to mislead anyone.any help would be appreciated.By the way its for sale.Thanks

P1000291 (Medium).JPG

P1000287 (Medium).JPG
I don't know any about the numbers on it except it has 9" written on it which is possibly the size except it doesn't look that small. You can measure the housing to verify it. It also has something else written on it, either 3,000 or 5,000, can't quite make it out. Is it 3,000? If so that's probably the stall speed rating. But those things look as if they were written on with a chalk pen. Torque converter manufacturers are usually a little more professional than that so it's hard to say for sure if that's correct. It also has balancing weights on it. Was it behind a external balanced engine and if so what engine? That makes a difference cause they all use different amount of balance weight.

FYI: I have a 3,000 stall in my car and with the engine idling at 900 rpm it pulls a little. At 1,500 rpm it'll run down the road.

Look it over real good for a company name and part # stamped into it. That'll help if you can find something.
definatley smaller looking then a stock one. you will never know exactly what it is unless you find out what kind t is. as far as worth i would say it depends on what it actually is. with no info its pretty much worthless if ya ask me. looks like it has the small bolts in it still. a good converter usually has the 7/16 bolts also.
I know what you mean a body joe nobody in their right mind is going to pay for something when they dont know what their getting. .I thought that kind of unprofessional to use paint stick to id it but thats what i got. i thought i had to give it a lot of gas to move the car. .This is an ebay car im trying to trade of unwanted parts to build it the way i want it (4spd) Its got 5/16th bolts the barrel is 9inchs the only thing stamped on it is 983 and Do4 its for an internaly balanced moter i was told 3000 but the writing looks like 5000.I heard theirs a place in canton that has a dyno typ machine they can put it on to test it maybe i should go for a ride and get it dockumented.
Hi Guys, It's a 9.5 converter built using a stock 11" front cover. Judging by the blade angle on the pump cover, without knowing if the original builder enhanced the blade angle at all and what stator they used , it is pretty hard to determine exactly what stall it is pro rated at, and what it was built around(Combo). Are there any stamped #'s on the pump cover?