Total firetruckin bullshit!

You guys are great.
Waggin, I would probably be out there with ya at 2am banging on **** and havin a few.
Really, the time and determination for a project you take on is pretty impressive, and I gotta say that I am a little jealous.

And Lou3500 I feel for ya and know how life and circumstances can end up sucking.

The best I can muster right now is that I'm 56 years old and so far can still support a household of 7 by myself and get to drive a Dart everywhere I go.
One of the luckier ones I guess, and that in itself is kinda sad sometimes.
Out of all the people that responded to this I like your solution best.
I'll go out with my 357 mag and blow thier mailbox off the post, and then look around to see if there is anything else needs blasting.
One of my kids has a Romanian AK with a 30 rounder, and the other son has an assault 12ga with the plug removed.
I wont post what I have.
One simple ticket for lettin go in the city limits, and done deal.
Neighbors scared to death of us.:D

I bought a house on 14 acres with a farm across the street.You can only see one neighbor and he knows I'm nuts.One day he was out back shooting his AK and I came out with a .50 beowulf AR and drowned him out. All I heard was WTF after the dust cleared. There is a castle law here and I consider anything inside my property lines to be in my house.
If the cops get enough complaints they may contact the owner of the property if they are renters.

As far as the dog, I would ask what your right is in protecting yourself. Around here if a dog approaches me in my yard and I feel threatened by it I have the right to use deadly force.
First let me say that I fixed my post a bit back.
I meant to say I'd probably be out there with Waggin banging on ****.

The dog itself is the least of it, and I am not particularly afraid of any animals.
They can always be taken down and deprived of air if need be.
Just can't do that with the people.:D

If the cops get enough complaints they may contact the owner of the property if they are renters.

As far as the dog, I would ask what your right is in protecting yourself. Around here if a dog approaches me in my yard and I feel threatened by it I have the right to use deadly force.
First let me say that I fixed my post a bit back.
I meant to say I'd probably be out there with Waggin banging on ****.

The dog itself is the least of it, and I am not particularly afraid of any animals.
They can always be taken down and deprived of air if need be.
Just can't do that with the people.:D

I've been lucky, and have had good neighbors most of my life. One exception was when I lived in an apartment for a year. The guy upstairs from me was always talkin ****. One day I "accidently" let him see a sawed-off shotgun. Next day when he was talkin **** I just said "Cool it, dude. People disappear all the time. Wouldn't wanna see you on a milk carton.":eek:ops: It worked. He was downright courteous every time he saw me.
And this is why I moved into the subdivision I live in now. Mine is the smallest lot, 20 Acres! Been here 27 years and totally happy! Move to the country!
Move to the country and buy enough land that you can't be surrounded by subdivision in 15 years. That's my plan.

ANY dog on my property gets lead poisoning. Missouri law: You're afraid for your life, you have a right to defend yourself; ANY dog can attack and kill. I recently had some trashy people move in across the street, exact same scenario. Renters don't give two $hits. If they buy it, then they're looking for stability and will probably respect the place. Talk to the landlord, and document document document.

I would NOT pick up the trash and toss it back where it came from. That can be made to look like YOU are the litterer. Call the city. Enough complaints...squeeky wheel syndrome.

And if I caught a SINGLE kid in my yard on my property, and especially on my car, without my permission, I'd have them by their grungy little neck back at mom n' dad's with VERY clear wordage indicating my wishes and my legal rights. If that kid got hurt on your property, YOU CAN and probably WILL be held liable!!
If you tell them that you are a registered sex offender, I bet the kids won't hang around anymore... You don't have to be, just tell them that to get them off your back....