Traded labor for a new project. :)

I like it. 340 4 speed car that looks "other wise solid" for $1000 is a deal.
Goll, whoever helped you pull thy car out must have been really brave with all those spiders. ;) ha it looks good Jeremy. Now of you could only find a go wing for it.. Wonder where one could be...
Actually the person that helped me pull it out went running like a four year old girl at the site of all those spiders. Lol. Hmmm, I think I might know where one is. I just might have to snag it out of a pile of challenger parts.

When you come up this week, we'll have to take it for a spin. I think I will get aspired bomb tonight and put in it. Have you guys started up the challenger yet? So far two of the cars that we pulled out have been driven. Might just for fun try to start the 66 :).
Actually the person that helped me pull it out went running like a four year old girl at the site of all those spiders. Lol. Hmmm, I think I might know where one is. I just might have to snag it out of a pile of challenger parts.

When you come up this week, we'll have to take it for a spin. I think I will get aspired bomb tonight and put in it. Have you guys started up the challenger yet? So far two of the cars that we pulled out have been driven. Might just for fun try to start the 66 :).

J you can get one of those big plastic spiders with a hand pump and make it jump. :-\"
Thanks for the comments guys.
Last night, I was over digging threw parts till after 11:00. I found an LD340 intake for it. Yay!
I also dropped the 1/4's off to John. Hopefully soon I'll be starting a build thread.
Thought I'd give a quick update on this car. It's coming a long great. We are hoping to have body and paint finished next spring.