trans brake



Well-Known Member
May 24, 2009
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noticed most of them make note of needing to use the trans brake button to get into reverse. do you need to hold the brake button to keep the car in reverse? if so, is there a way get around it? read somewhere about a toggle switch in series with it or something but can't remember....
Ok I'm gona attempt this one, in a dart drag car we had that my dad bought complete so we didn't totally understand all the electronics in the car, but we did have to stay on the button to back up which really sucks when the buttons on the wheel and you've got to turn while backin up, it was like juggling. Then one day I discovered that I could set the delay box for a brief period of time and back up after I had tapped the button, didn't have to hold it, just tap it once and I set it to last for about 10seconds, came in handy when the car went to auction. Hope this maybe helped some.
depends on the transbrake...

some brakes you have to use the button to engage reverse...some you dont.... can use delay box to keep brake circuit for reverse...

the reverse circuit is used to dump the fluid while the brake is engage in 1st gear...that is why reverse does not work.

if you use a toggle switch just make sure you dont leave it on ...cause you will burn out the solenoid...

call Joe at Tranzact of Indy, he makes both models...the Pro brake requires use of button for reverse and he makes backet brake which does not...

the pro brake releases faster but if you are racing on a full tree the bracke brake would be ok
found a site that said a toggle switch wired in parallel with the brake button, that make sense?