Transporting to and fron Canada?



The Duster Guy
Nov 25, 2005
Reaction score
Rochester, NY
What all is involved? I've got a few people interested in My duster, but they're over there. I'm really close to the border, but am a complete newbe to the crossing of it. Anyone know for certain what it takes?
I'm Canadian. I almost purchased a car in Michigan. It's not that big of a deal. Most of the onus is on the purchaser. This link has good info . U.S customs requires the vehicle information is faxed to them about 72 hours in advance of bringing the vehicle to Canada.

Basically, you just need to give the purchaser info required for U.S. customs.
I'm Canadian. I almost purchased a car in Michigan. It's not that big of a deal. Most of the onus is on the purchaser. This link has good info . U.S customs requires the vehicle information is faxed to them about 72 hours in advance of bringing the vehicle to Canada.

Basically, you just need to give the purchaser info required for U.S. customs.
Bought two cars from the us last year. You are actually required to leave them with us customs for 72 hours for exporting and then import into canada. I did not export them as canada customs does not require you to export but if I take the cars back to the us and the us customs checks and finds that these cars were not exported you could possibly have to pay the export fee at that time.
Not to hijack this thread but..........i have a question.Im in Alaska,planning on driving down to idaho next summer. Is there a hassle or problem trailering a car back to Alaska? Do I need special paperwork? Is a signed over title enough to get past the border from the U.S. into Canada and back out of Canada into Alaska?
I believe you check in at canada customs and get a green card with the vin number of the vehicle and this is what you will show when you come back though canada.
Bought two cars from the us last year. You are actually required to leave them with us customs for 72 hours for exporting and then import into canada. I did not export them as canada customs does not require you to export but if I take the cars back to the us and the us customs checks and finds that these cars were not exported you could possibly have to pay the export fee at that time.

Okay, thats odd. Detroit customs only needed the paperwork faxed 72 hours in advance, not the vehicle itself. I checked into this in June, I called U.S. customs. Then Canada would need the paperwork from the U.S. customs. Maybe its different at each crossing point.

Anyways, it's up to the purchaser to take care of the details to bring it home.
Thanks for the info. I'm confused as to whether they'll hold the vehicle, but more informed than before. What exactly is the paperwork required? Just the Title? A bill of sale? Anything else?
Mike, in my case they wanted a copy of the title showing the title is clear & who the new purchaser is, and an agreed purchase price faxed to U.S. customs. That way they could easily clear it when it arrived there. The new owner then presents the bill of sale & new title at customs. Mine was being trailered back by me since it was sold 'as is' and not plated.

The purchaser needs to take care of this. Once its purchased, its really their problem to see that they can get it home.
My brother bought a 86 Conquest in Virgina to bring back here. Because his car was not built to specs for Canada he had to wait until the date of border crossing was at least 25years from the build date (not model year, but month year). He was responsible to have the paperwork sent to Canada customs 72hrs prior to bringing it over. Otherwise, customs will hold the vehicle until they have rec'd this information. Since his paperwork was in order, when he drove it back, and customs informed him of this policy, he was ready, and was able to bring 'er home.
