Trouble Sleeping

Im down to 5 to 6 at most,hours per night.I just stay up late. Then am up at 6:30. No alarm required. Im well rested when I get up though, so I considered it a normal part of aging(Im 62).It started about 4 to 5 years ago.
A glass of milk,a half hour before bed, and prayer-time works for me.Im out in a couple of minutes.I wake up half way through the night to roll over onto the other side.Ive also learned to clear out my sinuses and throat before lying down.No meds for me.
Sorry to hear that others are having so much difficulty. But glad to hear its sorta normal.
After I was hurt on the job, I have severe tinnitus in my ears. Among other nasty symptoms of being involved in an explosion. I feel your pain. Mine too.

I never sleep at night anymore, because it's quiet. That's when tinnitus is most noticeable. I've tried noise machines, music and such, and they worked for a while, but over the years it's gotten so much worse none of that helps anymore.

I just stay up until I fall out and I usually only sleep four or five hours a day at the most. It sucks, but I guess it could be worse.
Same stuff here, again up all night, muscle spasms, pain etc. Tried different pills etc nothing really works. I go and go on 3 to 4 hours a night till I just crash for about 6-8 hours which is about once a week. Worst thing for me is to fall asleep about an hour and wake back up. Then I'm up another day and a half.
I am usually up from 2-6 AM. I find it very hard to sleep. Lots of stresses right now with my wife's health failing (she can barely walk now) and me being out of work on a work injury. Comp checks do not come regularly and just getting food on the table is a challenge. Life is always an uphill battle.
The last few years I've had a lot of issues falling and staying asleep. Sometimes I pass out at a decent time, but almost every time I'm awake again (mind is going 100mph) in a couple hours and have to force myself to turn the tv back off around 3am. I'm only 23 and I don't really do caffine, I've tried sleep aids but most of the stuff makes more problems then solves for me. I also have ringing in my ears (too many loud cars/concerts) that contributes to not falling asleep. I have tried both working out and reading before bed and that doesn't help either. A lot of it is being too anxious.
There's plenty of time to catch up on your sleep after you die...
Though it's only been a problem for the last 2 1/2 years, I could write a novel on this subject.

Oh yeah, I already did. LOL. It was called She's Killin Me Here ... and even though I requested that it be closed there was still a lot of good advice in it about dealing with life issues and the diminished rest that came along with his then 84 year old mother moving in here.

I'm lucky if I sleep three or four hours a night anymore. The days are so uhhhhhh lively I can't relax or turn off the inner dialogue anymore. I'm convinced I'll be dead before she is.

As an aside, thanks to FABO for always being here for me and for the wonderful support in the meantime. Running a business is hard even when one does get rest ...