Trunk lid prep question



Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2010
Reaction score
Washington State
I'm thinking I may want to strip my trunk lid since it has a lot of tiny blisters. See photo. The spots aren't rust, just primer showing through.

Just seems to me that there's obviously something wrong with the original paint job on this lid and maybe just starting over with bare is the best way to go?

What to do you think? Strip it down chemically or sand it down with 80 grit. (Or just sand off the paint and leave the primer?)

if it were me I would sand it all the way to medal and prime and repaint it, something make it bubble, might be primer?
Hard to tell from the photo what's going on with it. But I'd take it to bare and bring it back to life from there. You can chemically strip it, then sand with 180 if you don't want to have to use surfacer and block it all in. Depends on overall condition and if you find any fillers hiding under the paint. Most bare metal sealers will fill a 180 sand scratch, but not an 80 grit scratch.
this is where a soda blaster will do the job nicely. Usually commercial coatings places around town will have access to one.
Easiest way to strip that trunk lid would be a plastic wheel on an angle grinder. You could have the paint off in 15-20 minutes with no heating of the metal.