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Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2011
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Manchester, MD
So how can it be both original AND now thicker/richer ?

Any other oxymoron labels out there? Let's see 'em........

Probably cornstarch to thicken it. First time I bought "real" syrup I was confused why it was so runny compared to what I grew up with. Ahh, I been eating fake maple syrup.
Probably cornstarch to thicken it. First time I bought "real" syrup I was confused why it was so runny compared to what I grew up with. Ahh, I been eating fake maple syrup.

When a whee little lad, my grandfather would have me help him boil down Maple tree sap to make it ourselves. it took 40 to 50 gallons of sap to make one gallon of syrup. Depended on how dark you wanted it. Had some new neighbors move in, city slickers, who started to copy us,but they started to tap PINE trees!
When a whee little lad, my grandfather would have me help him boil down Maple tree sap to make it ourselves. it took 40 to 50 gallons of sap to make one gallon of syrup. Depended on how dark you wanted it. Had some new neighbors move in, city slickers, who started to copy us,but they started to tap PINE trees!

about a month or two ago my kid went on a school field trip to a maple farm
im sure you know, the best time to tap maple trees is when it is freezing at night and barely not freezing during the day
we got there at 9 AM, and it was about 35 degrees
fun times
Big difference between a socialist and a communist. If you don't believe in socialism then don't collect Social Security.
I earned my social security. It's been taken out of my paychecks for 40 years. Social security was originally a private account to make sure people had financial support in their later years. It's not our fault the government decided to use it as their personal slush fund. I will never get back what was taken from me over the years. It's not an entitlement. I earned it. Ever notice how the government always says SS is going broke, while working people have been paying into it since it began, but they never say entitlement programs are going broke.
im pretty sure the red barns has a model A ford converted to a farm implement with a mail order (i presume sears and roebucks) kit on it
re post #8
My one daughter is a college grad.
Seven years of schooling and two years from now,at age 40 thinks she will be finally debt free, and own absolutely nothing. That's 22 years to break even where I started out at age 18. 25 years from now, she will be where I now am, 65 and probably net worth of $150,000..... on a good day.
She will never have kids. She will be 38 in three weeks and is going thru her change-of-life.
College ate; her past, her present, and her future, and her family,and a good part of her health. But oh yeah; she can vote, and she can make a man's wages ; whoohoo!
Ain't that swell.
When she was 18 I told her;
humans need food shelter and clothing. Get into one of those fields and you will always have work. But did she listen to me?, nooo
So I said humans also need transportation in this modern world.... so learn to sell cars or fix 'em. Did she listen?, nooo.
So I said Humans are sick a lot, and they have all bought into pharmacia, so become a pharmacist and you will never be without a job.But did she listen?,nooo
So I said, look humans need water, lots and lots of water. Get into water and you will never be without a job. But did she listen?, noooo
So I said, look, humans need to use the bathroom a lot, so learn to sell bathroom supplies or fix plumbing, and you will always have work. Nooo she didn't listen.
So I said look, humans create huge quantities of garbage, become a garbage collector, and you will always have work, noooo again.
This girl is none too bright.
She becomes a dental hygienist.
That's a tough sell to any one without a dental plan. And it will be the first thing every human on the whole face of the earth is gonna forfeit when money gets tight. But we still gotta eat,drink, wear clothes, have shelter, and we still need azzwipe.
I love her sooooo much, but..... when God was handing out smarts, I think she was in the wrong line.

But when all is said and done..... I didn't listen to my Dad either. He said go to college get an education, and a good paying job,he said. Well I didn't, and I never missed it. College ain't for everyone,lol.
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I wonder if Bernie is willing to put the 4 trillion back into ss that the government took from the U.S. citizens paid in,,,so who thinks it's entitlement, i paid my fair share and hell no BERNIE can give away his money if he wants but he can keep his hands off mine,,and if it's socialism, why does one person get $400 a month and another $2000 a month, it's because the government yanked out the money each week of your pay check,
Not sure how this turned into a debate on socialism vs social security ......... maybe this will get it back on track....

Big difference between a socialist and a communist. If you don't believe in socialism then don't collect Social Security.

Only if socialists give back all the money I was forced to pay into collectivist crap.

A socialist is nothing but a Marxist who is too dumb to know it.