Tube Chassis Hemi Dart Project

......Do you want me to send over Bro' John for the push-out?...he never even wants me to touch MY OWN car unless I have a towel between me and the car....sheesh!
Thanks for the offer Denny! Can John handle the 106 degree temps we have been melting under? If so, I'll get him a roundtripper on SW airlines pronto.
probably OK with us if you made it a one-way....

just bustin' your nuggies Bro' John....
Very nice project you have there! Awesome workmanship.

From the start, how much time do you have in it?
Thanks Mad Dart. I bought the car in 2000. It sat awhile and my welder/chassis fabricator went through some back surgery that delayed us. But overall, 11 years now (ouch).
Thanks Mad Dart. I bought the car in 2000. It sat awhile and my welder/chassis fabricator went through some back surgery that delayed us. But overall, 11 years now (ouch).

A Project like yours takes alot of time and $$, this is no Kids toy.

I had over 80K in my Long Travel Sand Car. I am sure you are way passed that with what you have going on!
Weekend Update: Got the new AMD front bumper mounted, freshly restored grille bolted up, front headlights-parking lamps-sidemarker lights all neatly wired and finalized, and another tweak on the struts to level the ride height. And just to pat myself on the back, I have now wired the entire car from scratch front to back. When we first disassembled the Dart all wiring somehow got tossed. Most of it I would not have reused anyway but it would have been nice to use some of the factory connectors, etc. Oh well, the ultimate satisfaction in doing it yourself. And a big "No Thanks" to a supposed friend of mine who kept promising for years to stop by and help me do the wiring and of course never showed up.


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Very nice. Can't wait to see a picture of her rolled out into the sun so we can see the whole car :hello1:. L8r

Very nice. Can't wait to see a picture of her rolled out into the sun so we can see the whole car :hello1:. L8r

Thanks Jim. My driveway has a slight downward angle and pushing the car in and out right now presents some problems. With the front bumper on and the rear coming this weekend at least there will be two areas to push from. I know that big Hemi is going to fight gravity though. As soon as we fire it though outside pics are coming.
The grill looks awesome.
Thanks Sky. My original grille was busted into 4 pieces but I got lucky a few years back and bought a cherry one from Tony's Mopar parts for a reasonable price. I see these days they go for $400 on up for used crusty ones. These Mopars ain't cheap! And of course reproduction parts for the Darts are rare unlike you lucky Cuda guys!
The grill looks awesome.
Hey Sky--just got through re-reading your thread on the black Cuda build. That ride is awesome and of course the black paint sets it apart. Just some comments about posts others made:

1. If you are building a street cruiser then a cage becomes just an accessory like a radio. Neat to have but not required. If you want to go run 8's in the quarter at the strip then mandatory. Some like them, some not. I wanted to go 8's so we built mine to comply with SFI specs and NHRA/IHRA rules.

2. Using a motor plate. I have one along with a mid-plate. Again, street cruiser doesn't need one but if you are looking for the most precise way to establish the centerline of your drivetrain then a motorplate allows you that flexibility. It also gets you started on getting rid of alot of the factory suspension and into aftermarket items such as struts, fabricated a-arms, new frame rails, etc. Lots of work and money but necessary if you plan on going really fast.

3. Header tube size. I like your idea about letting the dyno tell you what size it likes. Of course, if your combo likes 2 1/4" with a 4 inch collector like mine did then you are looking at $1500-$2000 for a custom set made unless there is someone mass marketing them.

Just my thoughts. Keep up the good work.
I wish Id known about the wiring project, I would have helped and donated some materials


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Yes,Im curious as to where blue missile got that wire?

And hey hemidart,dont lend that supposed "friend" anything,as it likely wont come back seeing how he couldnt be bothered to lend you a hand.

Car looks great btw! Im partial to 70 swingers myself,seeing how I own one. No hemi for me though. 451 with stage vi max wedge heads hehe..
Yes,Im curious as to where blue missile got that wire?

And hey hemidart,dont lend that supposed "friend" anything,as it likely wont come back seeing how he couldnt be bothered to lend you a hand.

Car looks great btw! Im partial to 70 swingers myself,seeing how I own one. No hemi for me though. 451 with stage vi max wedge heads hehe..
I agree needsaresto. And I know the power those wedge beasts can crank out. I had a friend awhile back blasting some 8.10's in the quarter with a nitroused 451 B1 headed monster that would rev to the moon.
I too have an appreciable tilt to my driveway. It makes non-motorized vehicle movements difficult. I was reminded of that several times this weekend when I was humpin' (not that kind) my rotisserie in and out of the garage. It's going to be a long summer at that rate. Looking forward to seeing the pix. I have always loved a well done black car and it don't make no nevermind what kind it is!!! L8r

I have an acquaintance who has read the story and wanted to sow into the project. He is in the elevator business. The wire is called "Traveler" cable and is fire rated and very flexible. And between the two spools the gauges go from 14 to 22, all conductors are labeled with a number their entire length.
And since much has been given to me, I freely give to those who have received me.

Thanks for the info blue missile! Travel cable,how bout that. Where to get it locally would be the trick right? Im guessing any elec outlet place would have it. We have a place called Gescan here which specializes in hard to get elec related stuff. They are pricey. Lol,everything on this side of the border costes 20% more than what americans pay...

As for wedge motivation yes,the 451 can really rev and make h.p,due to a very light recip assy. Put good big ports on it,and get the hell out of the way..Hemi I repect all the way,but the B block is quite a bit lighter. I'd bet that the Hemi would still catch me after 100 mph though. That was ever thier strength,running down everything at 1/2 track and leaving it behind.
Hey Sky--just got through re-reading your thread on the black Cuda build. That ride is awesome and of course the black paint sets it apart. Just some comments about posts others made:

1. If you are building a street cruiser then a cage becomes just an accessory like a radio. Neat to have but not required. If you want to go run 8's in the quarter at the strip then mandatory. Some like them, some not. I wanted to go 8's so we built mine to comply with SFI specs and NHRA/IHRA rules.

2. Using a motor plate. I have one along with a mid-plate. Again, street cruiser doesn't need one but if you are looking for the most precise way to establish the centerline of your drivetrain then a motorplate allows you that flexibility. It also gets you started on getting rid of alot of the factory suspension and into aftermarket items such as struts, fabricated a-arms, new frame rails, etc. Lots of work and money but necessary if you plan on going really fast.

3. Header tube size. I like your idea about letting the dyno tell you what size it likes. Of course, if your combo likes 2 1/4" with a 4 inch collector like mine did then you are looking at $1500-$2000 for a custom set made unless there is someone mass marketing them.

Just my thoughts. Keep up the good work.

Thanks for all the good info.
Thanks Sky. My original grille was busted into 4 pieces but I got lucky a few years back and bought a cherry one from Tony's Mopar parts for a reasonable price. I see these days they go for $400 on up for used crusty ones. These Mopars ain't cheap! And of course reproduction parts for the Darts are rare unlike you lucky Cuda guys!

And ah why couldn't I be obsessed with my old 70 cuda.:banghead:
This whole A body stuff is crazy.
NO, go to an elevator contractor. After each install they will have some left over on the spool. If what is left is to short to be of any real use, like shorter than three stories long, they will probably let you have some.
I wish I would have seen this post before last wed. when I was in your area BlueMissle I mght have hit you up for some. now I will have to search for some of that wire around here.
Where is here?
My guy works at Schindler elevator here in Austin, getting to know a commercial electrician also wouldn't hurt. They use alot of 10ga and they will usually give you the end of the spool if its short as well.