Turn signals don't work?

I would say you have the area of the problem. Don't make this more complicated than it is. You have an ignition switch up in the column. It has a sort of permanent pigtail that comes off the switch, down and out of the column to the connector. If this connector is showing heat damage, that is surely the area of the problem. It might be "crude" but if you can't come up with a better way, cut the connector and carefully reconnect each wire with crimp splices. It would be better to find something else to use as a connector, so that if you need to pull the column / switch apart, you can do that without more cutting.
I checked the ignition switch connector and it is a little crispy and you can tell some one has worked on it before. So I am really at a lost for what to do. My car wouldn't start so I had to wire in a push button and now I have this problem. And I just can't afford a professional to fix it. What to do?

The connectors are only for ease of assembly. They aren't absolutely required to connect some wires together. Chop it out and installed crimped connectors if you want. There is a underlying cause for that connection to fail though. Could be moisture and or salt/corrosion or could be too much load on the circuit(s). With a wiring diagram you could trace those wires back to the bulkhead connection and look for evidence of overheating there also.
I think I may have found a big reason why the turn signals dont work. Or maybe Im way off. Under the hood on the passenger side i have a connector that like 8 wires go through and come out(think its called the rear harness connector or something like that). It is completely burnt inside, i cant even get the connector apart because i think its melted. This has several wires for the light going through it. Am i on the right track here?
From your description, not sure. It most certainly is NOT the rear harness which comes from the dash and has a connector under the left kick panel (in front of the left door) then goes under the door sill and to the rear

This sounds like (some later models used) a connector to split the engine harness from the rest of the under dash harness.

Sound to me like you have a lot of wiring troubles with that car.