
Good luck to you Kim. This gettin old stuff ain't for sissies! If you have to have a catheter for a week or 2, try to just get by with the big bag instead of swapping it back and forth with the leg bag. When you swap bags, it makes it easier to get a urinary tract infection because of bacteria possibly getting in the hose when you unhook it to swap bags. It's a pain in the *** to carry the catheter around, but you'll get used to it. I had one for a week or so back in April, when I had to have prostate surgery. If you need any advice on dealing with the catheter, shoot me a pm if I can help.

The leg bags suck. Had one where the hose got pulled off in my sleep. Had to throw the sheets and stuff away. Big bag is much easier all around
Praying all goes well for you. I haven't had the procedure (yet). Went through a bunch of testing, and Dr. said it wouldn't help my situation. PLEASE take it from me, after the surgery, be anal (not joking) about cleanliness of the area, catheter, etc. Be sure to ask the staff about that. It can save you some problems with infections. Good luck

And, as my Dad used to say, "Getting old is not for the faint of heart."
Thanks again guys. I’ll ask when I go in to be checked over on the 27th. It’s a 4-6 hour ordeal. I did this back in March. Then it was postponed indefinitely when Covid hit. Kim
Hi Kim, I certainly hope it’s a great success. It takes me forever to have a pee. It will be great to be back to normal. It’s only been 20 years. Thanks for the prayers. Kim
I forgot to mention the size of the hose hooked to the catheter bag. When I woke up from the surgery, and got to looking around, the clear hose that went into that catheter bag looked like a clear 1/2 inch fuel line! I was like :eek: ! Next thought was...."Does that go all the way to my bladder?!?! I finally worked up the nerve to ask the nurse if it went all the way there. She just laughed and said, "No, that is impossible" Thank goodness there is a splice in it...and they drop it down to 3/8! :)

Just kidding! It's a small line, and it didn't hurt at all when they pulled it out. While I had to wear mine, I came up with ways to make it easy on myself as I could. You have to keep the bag lower than your bladder at all times, so wearing a pair of shorts made that easy. I just ran the bag and hose down thru the leg of the shorts, and then stuck my leg in and pulled em on. Then I hung the hook on the top of the bag, in my pocket. I hung the bag hook on the nightstand drawer pull when I went to bed, and on the drawer pull of the little table next to my recliner when I was there. I tied a piece of parachute cord to the shower curtain rod, and tied a bowline knot in the other end at the proper height to hang the bag on while showering. Do like they say about keeping it clean, and you will be fine. Take it easy, and don't be tempted to do to much when you get to feeling better in a few days. I know I've pulled an AJ (without the math) and wrote a book....lol. I just wanted to give you some ideas before you need them. Us old guys gotta stick together! :D
It’s done!! I’m doing good. Got in about 10:30. Out by 11:45. I had a spinal injection (freezing). Still thawing out. Gotta stay overnight. I’ll update when I know more. Thanks everyone. Kim
Glad it's going well so far Kim. I hope you continue to have no pain, and can pee like a Russian race horse! If they tell you to do Kegal exercises, be relentless in doing them. They help reduce or eliminate incontinence issues.