Two stud transmission mount for cable shift 904

Thanks. I’m still looking for new I appreciate the help.
I don't believe you'll find a new one. ......and I wasn't offering mine. LOL I'll help you look for a little while, though.
My God. Adding a second stud is as simple as drilling a hole and welding a stud on. 15 minute job at BEST. Have we actually devolved this far?
Thought about it, and I could get in pretty quick with my mig, but drilling and tapping for a stud would be my preferred option because I don’t like welding around things that can melt. I wanted to stick with stock, if possible. I just posted here because I hoped someone would have a source. They are available in Australia, but would be pretty expensive shipped.
Thought about it, and I could get in pretty quick with my mig, but drilling and tapping for a stud would be my preferred option because I don’t like welding around things that can melt. I wanted to stick with stock, if possible. I just posted here because I hoped someone would have a source. They are available in Australia, but would be pretty expensive shipped.
It'd be worth an email to Hemi Performance and see if they have any dealers here in the states.
If you drilled the plate where the stud sat against the rubber, you could do two or three quick tack welds and I'll bet there would be no problems.
The 99.30 AUS converts to 61.40 USD, I wonder what shipping would be.
Rough cost and time frames for 2 stud trans mount from hemi performance Australia, based near the Queensland border with New South Wales, I think they buy bulk off the same suppliers as summit and rock auto etc for various parts that are common with US and Australian models the trans mount would be a local product from MacKay rubber

Thanks for checking. I came up with numbers that were pretty close to yours. There are a lot of automotive and performance products from down under that we don’t have here. I wish there was a cheaper way to ship.Thanks again.
or try talking to the guys that make/made them...

Mackay Australia | Manufacturer of Quality Rubber Products

drop them a mail
see if they supply someone in the US with any of their other rubbery products
get on to who they supply and say can i have one of these mounts in your next shipment Pleeeeease

whilts hemi performance have many nice things for sale they know they have a limited audience for their products and they know they are one of a handful of chrylser specialist in the Australia and Newzeland area so they can pick their price based on supply and demand

Plumbcrazy dudes do em as well

Transmission Mount (Dual Studs) - VE-CM

these guys probably have them Elko Performance but like to make life hard by never telling anyone what they have for sale by having a cumbersome and awkward website. they like you to call

In the US you could try mitchells autoparts AKA AMS obsolete auto parts if they have one it will be genuine NOS and obviously the state of the rubber will be totally down to how well the part was stored

or there is this
Gearbox & Transmission Mount (Heavy Duty Replacement) for AP5, AP6, VC, VE, VF, VG, VH, CH, VJ, VK,

at massive expense

or you could search the junk yard for one of these
1973-76 A-BODY TRANSMISSION CROSSMEMBER - Mopar A833 4-Speed Transmission & Component Specialists
the holes are in the right place but the indent in your drivers side of the cross member on the car i not replicated on the bolt on member so you should fill the space with washers

and fit this

which is $10 and you'd need to buy a big bolt
Thanks for checking. I came up with numbers that were pretty close to yours. There are a lot of automotive and performance products from down under that we don’t have here. I wish there was a cheaper way to ship.Thanks again.
I don't think there's any way in the world you could ever melt the rubber welding another stud in. That would be the last thing I'd worry about. You'd have to hole the mig on it a stupid long time. Just a buzz around a 1/4 of it at the time and let it cool and it'll be fine. But IMHO, you're worryin about nothing. Get the single stud mount and go.