Ugliest car, worst music on the planet



Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2010
Reaction score
Had to turn the sound down, it's so freekin' irritating

[ame=""]Corsa A-A - YouTube[/ame]
We have way different taste in music. I own that Offspring cd and really like it. But I have to agree they sure wasted a lot of effort on a stinking pile.
Good thing it won't let me open the link. The car photo was enough for me. LOL
Oh I thought this was about that old Dodge van and Nirvana again. My bad.
Just goes to show some people can take junk and turn it into even a bigger pile of junk.

I actually liked the music.
Yup, Im a big fan of The Offspring. I think thats the 3rd time in 2 days you have unintentionally insulted me.
[ame=""]The Offspring - The Kids Aren't Alright - YouTube[/ame]
offspring??? is that a rock group?? never heard of them......must be the grneration gap kickin in....LOL! yeah I'm gettin old......
So they are German not American, guess there are rednecks all over the world.. love that injeneerin' skills.

The Offspring rock though.
I can't believe I sat through that video... I'd like to wash that thing with gasoline and dry it with a match... Lol.
Wow, that thing is ugly! What a waste of time. The only thing that monstrosity is good for, is scrap metal.
Yup, Im a big fan of The Offspring. I think thats the 3rd time in 2 days you have unintentionally insulted me.

Oh darn heck an' phooey. OK I concede we have different tastes, but at least we don' force each other to listen to each other's music.

This stuff just ain't fer me.

So they are German not American, guess there are rednecks all over the world.. ...............

THAT is funny.
Looks better than a Superbird.
Ok first god that thing was ghastly! And Superbird's and Daytona's are nice looking cars! There Mopars too and can easy beat your Mopar in a race in a oval and not every ones here but a good number on the strip
love the offspring, hate the car, but i gotta admit to their ingenuity with the double front steering.