Ugliest, most overpriced French car on CL

"I would only own a French car if I lived in France, and then I would think about it first."
-- French born, car-guy acquaintance of mine
I don't often think of French cars, but when I do this is the "picture" in my mind..........

Really, Inspector Clouseau:.... You snag Dyan Cannon for a date,you roll this turd out? Lol!


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Not sure if it overpriced or not... But Citroen made some great cars! I have driven a few and they are not American muscle but they do have their own charm. Very comfortable cars.

I remember when the Chevy guys laughed at mopars....until they skyrocketed in value...then all the chebbie guys with bellybutton camaros and chevelles sold them to buy Mopars !
I don't often think of French cars, but when I do this is the "picture" in my mind..........


The deux chevaux has gone were other cars tremble in fear..

This is where our automakers have failed... the Japanese have looked for innovative features that have worked and them emulate the same into their cars.

When that ugly cars was produced, the big three was still pounding out brake drums on all 4 corners.. and now one of them (toyota) is the largest manufacturer of cars in the world..
The deux chevaux has gone were other cars tremble in fear..
??? The Slant Six Comes to mind ???

grassy said:
This is where our automakers have failed... the Japanese have looked for innovative features that have worked and them emulate the same into their cars.

Well , that I cannot argue, well maybe :) Not one gearhead with an modicum of sense could not see the Nips Corporate Philosophy. e.g.,
"We look to the next 1/4 Century, American Car Mfgr's look to the next
1/4.. of course OPEC had no say... LMFAO.

grassy said:
When those ugly cars was produced, the big three was still pounding out brake drums on all 4 corners.. and now one of them (toyota) is the largest manufacturer of cars in the world..

??? Please study the ' Triple AAA Car Market ' .

E.g, every mfgr on the planet wants to sell their vehicles
in North America...
E.g, every mfgr on the planet wants to sell their vehicles
in North America...
That's because of the shear size of the market. There's nothing special here in terms of market type, we don't even get the good stuff.

The 2CV has been photographed in every corner of the world. I doubt that any other car can make that claim. Not even the VW Bug, which is probably it's closest competitor for that "honor".
Well I don't know why'n'ell you don't BUY the effn' stinkin' turd of a Piece Of Smell.
Acknowledging what they've done and are capable of is a far, far cry from wanting to buy one.
We all know that the small block chebby is the most numerous and quite probably the most successful V8 engine in the world, but how many do you see in MOPARS?

My point exactly.
I love all cars. My family had no interest in them except for transportation so I hung with a guy that was heavily into European and British cars. I got to ride/drive in a large selection of cars. I also marshaled at an 11 corner track that saw a lot of famous people and got a chance to see a lot of really cool foreign a Porche 908.

I am not loyal to a complete product line of any manufacturer just because I like one or two (or more) of it's models so Mopar or no car really doesn't work for me even though I have been driving a mopar since 2001.

??? Please study the ' Triple AAA Car Market ' .

I would suggest you look off shore for the new triple A market. India and China ( 1.1 and 1.3 billion people) is where it is going to be...the US and Canadian market is pretty mature and saturated market..

Note sure what OPEC has to do with anything since the US / Canada can produce enough for domestic consumption.

From what I understand from some members here is that the big three didn't innovate because people just kept buying the cars they produced they didn't have to. But that type of brand loyalty is dying..

I keep bring up the brakes because I was shocked that when I bought the Duster, it had drums up front. The MGA 1600, built in the 50s had discs up front.

What does this have to do with the ugly french car ? Nothing and everything.
I know I'm a little late to the party but I had a Renault Douphine as my first car.I think it was a 1959.This was around 1973 and it was a piece of poop then as well as now.
I always say every time I get onto a Airbus "the French can't make a car, why would you want to fly in something they made! They are one ugly car....never did see the attraction. LOL
I always say every time I get onto a Airbus "the French can't make a car, why would you want to fly in something they made! They are one ugly car....never did see the attraction. LOL

LOL. I have similar feelings. One has to wonder if Airbus could have ever gotten off the ground, if they didn't have most of Europe behind 'em
To divert this thread in a whole different direction, LOL, THIS cropped up

Now let me make something PERFECTLY clear. With the reputation of this particular rag in general, and the general "flavor" of this "story" I don't believe this tripe for .0000138 seconds

(The claim is that he was "stranded" 20 miles from "some place" with a bit of water, and for some reason had enough water to bust his *** doing a major overhaul of an automobile, something that would likely take most of us weeks, or at least days, even in our prime, yet he was somehow unable to walk this 20 miles, but at the same time, had enough water to do all this heavy mechanical work)

(If he's so stranded, who took the photos?)


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With all of that exposed skin he should have died from dehydration.
So let me get this straight.... P.O.S. french car breaks down in the middle of nowhere, ok I can see that happening...


guy can't fix the P.O.S. french car to get himself back to civilization but he can totally dismantle the suspension and drivetrain and build some kind of two wheeled contraption by himself using pieces of the P.O.S. french car that somehow left him stranded there in the first place.

Umm..... ok

Ill take far fetched stories for $600 Alex..............
So let me get this straight.... P.O.S. french car breaks down in the middle of nowhere, ok I can see that happening...


guy can't fix the P.O.S. french car to get himself back to civilization but he can totally dismantle the suspension and drivetrain and build some kind of two wheeled contraption by himself using pieces of the P.O.S. french car that somehow left him stranded there in the first place.

Umm..... ok

Ill take far fetched stories for $600 Alex..............

10 damn four NOT

Que Ess 'ell NO

Yeh, that's pretty lame, eh?
"Meh" comes to mind. Anyone that thinks this Prelude to PeeAss.....I mean PreeAss styling "is" actually styling has the taste of Madonna, and that is no taste at all.
I agree on the ah... "styling" and the Moo-Donna lack of good taste.
But compared to today's offerings at least it was unique.