Uh oh, need a little help guys!



Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2006
Reaction score
New Market , AL
Cutting to the point, have anybody ever got out of this kind of situtation. Cop pulls you over and says you were doing 90 in a 55. You say no I had no idea I was going that fast then ask the cop if he saved it on the radar, he replies saying no. My question is if the cop doesnt have any proof, and you had no idea you was going 90, would it hold up in court? Just curious as to this...
How fast was you going on our streets, :sad:
If you think you was speeding or not.
And is it possible you was!?
Don't get couth in a scam, by our system. :thumbup:
Then go to court with your own mind.
Some time's we do have good Judge's.
But that is a roll of the dies. :butthead:

Know this would be something to remember if you speed allot. :tongue9:
I have been in this situation. At least in our state 2 things are needed to hold up. One is the documention done by the cop, Second is that the Radar gun had to be calibrated that day before use. If there is no documentation on either one the judge would most likely throw it out. I have won two tickets this way that I have contested.

Good luck.
A bad judge would make his own documention and say he has it. :wack:
hopefully you will not run into that kind of judge. :thumbup:

I hope everything go's good for ya.
did you know you were speeding? I would guess you did. 90mph is slightly faster than 55:) If it were me I would take my lumps. Just a matter of integrity to me. If I knew I was speeding I would not lie about it. Sometimes the smallest lie can cause big trouble.
63dartman said:
did you know you were speeding? I would guess you did. 90mph is slightly faster than 55:) If it were me I would take my lumps. Just a matter of integrity to me. If I knew I was speeding I would not lie about it. Sometimes the smallest lie can cause big trouble.

:thumbup: :thumbup:
Matter of fact, about 14 yrs ago I was on my way to work in Ohio and was late so I was doing about 68 in a 55. I saw the cop hit his lights on the oppisite side of the freeway and I knew he was coming after me. I just pulled over and waited for him to pull behind me. I was sitting there thinking what could I possibly tell him that would make it okay to break the law.....HHMMMM? Well of course the first question he asked me was "do you know how fast you were going"? Split second hesitation and I answered "yes I think I was going about 68mph when I looked down at the speedometer".
I only got a warning due to the fact that he was waiting to see If tried to weasel my way out. He said that if I had tried to bullshit my way out of it he would have written up a ticket in a minute......lesson learned!
Fight your ticket...The date they set for you to go is the date the officer has his day in Court....So when you recieve your court date, fill out a date change request paperwork with an excuse to change the court date. (Say you will be out of town for work ect). They will stamp it on site at the court house with the clerk. Hopefully, you will be a fill in, and the officer that gave you the ticket won't show. It would cost them more to pull him in off the streets/holidays ect just for you. I have a few family cops and they say it works about 90% of the time.
PS. If you didn't make a seen when you got the ticket, he will prob not remember you if he does show up after a date change. That way at least you have a better chance to fight the ticket as he may forget everything but the ticket information.

(1).. Reg your ticket to fight it.
(2)..Wait for your court date.
(3)..Change your court date again.
(4)..Officer will not show up. (hopefully)

Good info Jimmy Boy.
I have two ticket's in my life and I have been lucky.
and that was 9 years ago.

Jimmy boy is sewing his seed's :thumbup: Thanks for the good info.
10+ years ago got cot doing 110 in a 55 saw the cop turn on light behind me and pull out so i pulled over and wated- when he got there he walked up to the car asked if i knew i had a brake light out, said no and he wrote a 15.00 fix it ticket, that was it he just siled the whole time (probably laughing cause he thought i was going to piss myself) so he wrote the ticket and just left.
Having had too many tickets to count (56 points at one time), I can tell you from my own experience that most judges will not care what you have to say, I have had a judge allow the officer to amend a ticket right in the court room.

Judges have the absolute power in the court room. I had one take my license indefinitely once, and the only way I was able to get it restored was by that judge. I called everyone, I even drove to the state capital to the main motor vehicle offices and they told me he had the only power to restore my license.

I say pay the fine, take the driver's ed. classes and buy a top line radar detector. It's just easier.