Ummmm what the heck is going on here?



Pissed off senior member.
Oct 17, 2005
Reaction score
East Renton,WA (Seattle)
Ok, It's 6:16am Sunday morning April 20th just east of Seattle and Im still a little...ok alot... wasted and I haven't gone to sleep yet :drinkers::drinkers::drinkers: (yay for vodka) but this is rediculos!





This is one flake.


Maybe Al Gore was right, we are all ganna die!!!
I see your problem J.R: You live where it snows any damn time it feels like it. My suggestion is to rent a U-Haul and get your freezing *** outta there!

You can keep that bullshit. Don't want it, Don't need it. Sun is shining here in West Plains and the temp is to be 75 and calm. BBQ and MGD, maybe a little Kesslers.
Hell, last Saturday it was 84 degrees out and I was wearing shorts! This is all screwed up. It still hasn't let up there is about 2 inches so far, Im ganna go pass out now.
Yeah, i'm sitting here at my computer looking out at small hail pellets and wondering if it's going to snow this far south. (In Bonney Lake) I went to the swap meet at Mt. Vernon yesterday and it snowed on us. WTF!? Isn't this April? On the bright side I scored a nice set of Weiand cast valve covers for my 360. I got a sunburn last saturday.
Yep, woke up to the same stuff here in Or. And I know what oyu mean about it being 84 last week end, some strange weather we are have that is for sure. Well another week end won't be able ot get anythig done on the dart. Too cold to do any bondo work.
its that gobal warnin they talk about LOL
I feel for ya man. It's fianlly getting nice here in Wisconsin.
Going to be 60 deg. today. Hoping for upper 60s tommorow.
Been a long time coming. Got the Duster out yesterday.
Took it to the gas station. Put 30 bucks of fresh stuff in.
All I did was take it around the block.
Hang in there buddy. It won't last.
You can keep that bullshit. Don't want it, Don't need it. Sun is shining here in West Plains and the temp is to be 75 and calm. BBQ and MGD, maybe a little Kesslers.

Same here :cheers: I am just an hour and a half south of ya Small block.
I hope 360camp gets his needed sleep .
Looks like some big snow flakes 360scamp.

You must have had some folks over last night:rock: and had a good time and the moon faze is keeping you up.:-D
I think I will do some fishing and stretch my legs and enjoy.:-D
Strange weater here in good old Washington State. Been snowing at my place off and on, but not sticking. Go 8 miles from my house and you can find any where from 1 to 8 inches.
Like JR said last saturday was shorts, sunshine, and beer !!!!!
Greendart: Is that your sister in the pic. Any chance meating her.......I mean MEETING her.

Anyone hear of global cooling?
What is this funny white stuff that is covering your car??? Is this some new type of car cover or paint protector?? Can you ship some to me??

I smell an Al Gore cover up.
Man I know your situation, we have the same chit here.I had a 10 am t time today but I can't go because there is snow on the ground, we are about a month behind as far as weather goes. There was supposed to be a small car show in Nelson on Saturday but it was freakin snowing. It we most likely melt by the end of the day but this just ain't right. :sign10:
Same here :cheers: I am just an hour and a half south of ya Small block.
I hope 360camp gets his needed sleep .
Looks like some big snow flakes 360scamp.

You must have had some folks over last night:rock: and had a good time and the moon faze is keeping you up.:-D
I think I will do some fishing and stretch my legs and enjoy.:-D

I just woke up, it's 12:30pm, and all the snow is gone now.

Nope it was just me and Nikki, we attacked a 5th of Vodka and the rest is all a blur up until 6am when I went outside for a smoke and saw all that white crap on my car.
I feel your pain. Here in central ab we're in some kind of weird valley, so there was a summer in 94 i think (i was 4, so this is definitely just wat i've been told...) where we had snow in July. On the flip side, we once did not see snow until late January one year. (95 or 96?).

As of last sat, yup, warm weather, running in shorts, gettin burnt. This weekend... diggin out the snow boots, goin through 4 foot drifts, and the roads in the city are white, with about an inch of packed snow on them in most places. Its ridiculous, on the upside, the dart is inside the school shop, paint coming soon...

Yep, woke up to the same stuff here in Or. And I know what oyu mean about it being 84 last week end, some strange weather we are have that is for sure. Well another week end won't be able ot get anythig done on the dart. Too cold to do any bondo work.

same thing down here near roseburg. 85*+ last saturday and 4" snow this weekend. probably 3" of hail all together.