Updraft Curtain Paint Booth in my home shop


Jim Ward

FABO Gold Member
FABO Gold Member
Apr 16, 2020
Reaction score
Rockford MI
I purchased this modified prep station in Illinois that a retired body man used in his shop for 10 years and raved about how well it worked. Well I cleaned it thoroughly and rewired it and reinforced it in many areas but finally got it hanging in my shop and I can’t wait to see how well it works. It has an attic fan for exhaust 4500 CFM. The curtains are 9’ long and the dimensions are 13’x21’. I have been painting in an inflatable booth for almost 4 years so I am excited to not have to set up and take down the bounce house.

What are your thoughts of this style of system?










No it just uses ambient air and the curtains are very heavy with chains that keep them from sucking in on the work area.
I would imagine this would suck the hell out of your shop and if you have it heated it would be 100% loss of heat.
We will find out. I have thought the same thing. I’m not too worried about it sucking dust/dirt under the curtain but more about the heat loss and my furnace keeping up.
I like the idea of the updraft, tell us more about the pros and cons once you have tried it out. OBTW, what is the story on the dark colored sedan in the first picture?
That is a Chevy that the guy I bought the equipment from owns. I can get details if you’re seriously interested in it. It is a 40 something Chevy located in northwest Indiana/Illinois line.
Details would be nice, I just have an affinity for old pre war sedans as I've owned a few in my 60+ years of hot rodding and drag racing.
I got the lights wired and installed tonight. I may add one or two more.


My brother came over today and helped me put the vent in the exterior wall of the barn and got the curtains up. I’m thinking this will work pretty nice.






I have an attic fan that I took out of my house. We took it out because every year we would have to disconnect the wood burning stovepipe and seal off the chimney because it would suck ash. We used it for awhile and it’s nice on humid days. I hung on to it for my future shop and now I might try to do something like this.
Only question, is it safe for all fans? Are there some fans that are rated for flammable fumes? I’m worried about the electric and fumes.
Well the fumes would need to be pressurized to ignite/explode. I’m not worried one bit about that but I guess I am no expert. I think this set up is going to work really nice.
Well the fumes would need to be pressurized to ignite/explode. I’m not worried one bit about that but I guess I am no expert. I think this set up is going to work really nice.
I’m worried about my attic fan, not yours. I’m sure IF there are different UL ratings the one you have is designed for fumes. Mine is just a regular whole house fan that was never intended to suck flammables.
I’m sure you’re going to love this thing.
