US House Votes on Drilling



Master Hoader of SBM
Legendary Member
Jan 16, 2005
Reaction score
las vegas
the american people got scammed again by the US House of Representatives today...

voted to allow drilling only 50 miles and further off the coast..where there is very little oil.....,2933,423462,00.html

i suggest emailing your representative in congress and telling them that the american people are not that stupid...
I confess I don't know squat about drilling and I'm in support of doing whatever needs to be done in order to bring down the price of gas. I can't help but wonder though, considering my lack of knowledge on the topic, how long will it take to get newly drilled oil into the US market and how much is it going to take to start making an impact on gas prices? In addition, how much of an impact will it even have? Is drilling within 50 miles of the coastline the answer, in the short term, to the gas price issue? I don't know those answers so if somebody does, feel free to educate me.
alot of people say dont drill...cause the oil wont be available for x numbers of years....using that theory...

dont go to college cause you be done for at least 4 yrs
Experts say oil from the gulf could be on the market within 12-18 months because the infrastructure is already there. Oil from ANWAR or oil shale out west would be many years in coming. Would it have an effect? HELL YES. It is simple supply and demand, which is also the main reason the price has gone up so much. Hell, just the threat of us starting to produce our own oil had an effect. Bush lifted the executive ban and oil started dropping the next day and kept dropping until it was back under $100/barrel ever-so-briefly.