Modify the 70 OEM under dash harness to power rally inst' panel is smarter/simpler than modifying a 67 under dash harness to work in a 70 model car. Compare to changing a factory radio to modern stereo. We don't rewire entire under dash in that.
The 67 model build, rally or not, had so many differences, horn relay location, reverse lamp switch location, no marker lamps, etc..., etc...
The way I read your first post, you bought a 67 rally dash complete with wire a harness that you do not need any part of.
Yes the rally panel does have a 2nd circuit board with 3 contact pins. You will have 2 of those wires and need to add a branch to your orange wire for it.
As for that little connector that your standard harness does not have... this connection is too close to the top of the rally inst' panel anyway. Solder 3 wires to that board, Go to town and buy a basic 4 wire trailer connector. Place this connector set inline, male side to circuit board, female side the cars harness. You could use the 4th wire of trailer connector to add a inst' panel ground wire and anchor the soldered on "pig tail" too. Better than the original? YEP