Value of stock wheels.



Jul 11, 2008
Reaction score
Nipomo California
Just wanted a general opinion on what a stock set of 14x5 (?) SBP steel wheels and hubcaps are worth.Im not thinking much,just wondering if they are worth enough to get some tires for my new wheels,and I don't want to list them to high.Obviously they are only good for rollers or a non muscle resto.Thanks guys.
View attachment 1715140951 Just wanted a general opinion on what a stock set of 14x5 (?) SBP steel wheels and hubcaps are worth.Im not thinking much,just wondering if they are worth enough to get some tires for my new wheels,and I don't want to list them to high.Obviously they are only good for rollers or a non muscle resto.Thanks guys.
Well, they're either 4.5" wide or 5.5" wide, when measured properly. The 4.5"ers aren't worth much, but the 5.5's are the Formula S wheels, so they are somewhat valuable.


Those appear to be 4.5" ers...not much value...and those hubcaps/wheelcovers aren't worth much/if anything either....Sorry
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used tires are $10. rims are about the same around here.
Not worth much as mentioned.

But if you go buy a car that needs tires that hold air to get it home...... Well worth hanging onto.

I keep 'roller sets' on hand in SBP & BBP, just in case..........