valve cover baffles



Well-Known Member
May 22, 2004
Reaction score
Alberta Canada
Just got a set of mopar blue anodized valve covers, little disapointed they have no baffles. Anyone have a good fix for them? kinda tough to weld anything in.
I bought a set of Moroso blue anodized valve covers, and they are the same way... no baffles. Moroso sells these


that you can bolt onto them from the inside. Depending on the breather you use, the bolt heads may or may not be visible on the top side when installed.
You could build a baffle that attaches to the rocker shaft hold down bolts. Did you get the Direct Connection blue vc's? I remember when they first came out sometime in the 80's, they were very popular......hmmm, suddenly I am feeling old.

Are you coming up here sometime to visit you brother, you can check out my latest project.
Well they had DC instructions but there the blue anodized ones jsut say Mopar. Brand new in the box still. I just couldnt find and cool Direct Connection stuff. I shoulod be up after christmas to drop those seats off and bring that column up too