Varadero, Cuba



member 2883
Jun 5, 2006
Reaction score
Dieppe, New Brunswick, Can.
This time next week we should have landed and probably lying on the beach in Cuba, drinking a cold one or two or three... We have never been to Cuba or almost anywhere else. Our last far away trip was 22 years ago to Mexico, so it is high time to go again. I hope the weather is nice, the excitement is certainly building. I will try to get some pics of nice old cars.
Cuba's a hoot, I'd go there again long before Mexico, beaches are clean and people are really friendly. Some advice, everytime you get a drink (my favorite was strawberry daquires) even though they're free flip the tarbender a buck. It'll get ya first class treatment, they'll come to you for your order, and hell it's only a buck. Have fun and stay away from the contraban cigars, your hotel will have at least one cigar shop for reasonable prices.
Oh yeah take trinkets down too, the maids love them...even things like toothpaste, all the little things we take for granted they dont have. Go to value village and stock up. One more thing about drinks....go to Canadian Tire and buy those Bubbas...insulated mugs with lids that hold about 3 beers or drinks.....other wise you will get dixie cups and spend waaaaay to much energy walking to the bar!! You are gonna have a blast!!
Another good idea for trinkets is the little perfume and cologne samples you get for free from department stores. Costs you nothing but it's a real kick to see how happy the ladies are to get them. Mini-flashlights make great gifts for guys. Oh yeah and zip-ties.