Vent wings vs. No vent wing windows

Vent windows or no vent windows ... which looks better

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Princess Valiant

A.K.A. Rainy Day Auto
FABO Gold Member
Dec 14, 2011
Reaction score
It looks classic with them but....

It does look clean without them.

Which look better




I like the vents, it directs air flow better on hot days, just my option
I prefer the vent window, love them when they are there, miss them when they are not !
Use to be a smoker...vent window seemed to work better to rid the smoke and filter butt......As far as looks vent window for me, kind of old school.
Vent windows here too. I like them and don't understand why they stopped doing them, or why people would go to all the work to get rid of them.

On top of the classic looks, they are really functional in helping to cool the interior of the car. I understand they weren't needed as much when A/C started becoming standard on most cars, but I still like them.
The problem is the no vent window cars came out in 1973, and if you need one they are hard to find. It took me 6 months to find one for a friend, the door windows are easy to find for vent window cars.
Two things that I really miss on current production cars:
* Vent windows
* Floor mounted headlight dimmer switch

Both were practical and so easy to use.
Two things that I really miss on current production cars:
* Vent windows
* Floor mounted headlight dimmer switch

Both were practical and so easy to use.
Definitely agree with dimmer switch. Way too much crap attached to steering column nowadays. Put it back on floor.
My car, all windows down and vents open.

It gets HOT in my car. I would be screwed with out em!
I like vent windows but my car was born without them. My 85 pick up had them and I loved them. Used them all the time.
Love the vent windows, but I'll have to admit something. I sealed mine shut with clear silicone to get rid of the whistle.
When I was driving my Dart home from Iowa I was amazed at how quiet it was. I had no radio and no muffler but at highway speeds it was so quiet. My 2005 Silverado sounds like standing in a wind tunnel compared to the dart. It was rainy and I even used the vent windows to stop the window from fogging. Even with the vent open it was quiet. Vent windows are a marvel of engineering.

Oh, and I think they look cleaner without them but weird at the same time.