venting .. BEWARE!

Whatever is in the trailer, feel lucky.................
.....I was given a handed down for the 3rd time 1962 Studebaker Lark 4 dr...
6 cyl. 3 on-the-tree with overdrive with Twin Traction and naturally it was
robins egg blue. A real studmobile.

I would have loved for that to have been my first car.
Ram your toyota into sister's Jetta and use the insurance to buy an old A Body?

My dad came home one day when I was 16 and said "Got you a car!" I had been begging for one since getting my permit and since everyone else was driving to school in their parent's Audis and Porsches (Our Navy family housing bordered a high dollar gated community), I thought it was OWED to me. He told me it was a used Toyota Station Wagon but it had a sunroof and a tape player. I acted like a little **** the entire way to the dealership pouting and being all pissy that I was getting a grocery getter as my first car. My dad never lost his cool and kept smiling and telling me all the good things about the car. When he was doing the paperwork inside I was outside pouting at the front of the dealership next to a Suzuki Samarai (this was the early 90's) that looked almost new and had the top down. I imagined how cool it would be to have THAT car to take girls to the beach in and run around with my friends.

My dad came out of the dealership, got into the Suzuki and tossed me the keys. "Get in your car". There was no Toyota Station Wagon. He had been pulling my leg the entire time.

To this day I still cringe at the thought of how much of an *** I was that day. Don't ruin your surprise with a bad memory.
When I was 15, my grandfather inherited his uncle's house and in the garage was his old 1965 Chevelle. He offered my parents the car for me and my mom vetoed the deal stating she had to wait until she was 33 years old to get her first car so no darn kid of hers would have a car at age 15. I was mad.

Spend a number of years driving whatever extra/beater car was on my parent's driveway.

The summer before I turned 21, my dad brought home my grandfather's current ride a 1966 Plymouth Belvedere and sold it to me for $1.00. My grandmother didn't want any favoritism shown towards any of the grandchildren. Years later my cousins were mad when they found out I bought it for a buck!

Anyways if I got what I wanted I would have become a Chevy guy...and not the Mopar Maniac I have grown up to become.

Be careful what you wish for!

So I am just amazed that you are just now turning 16. Since when is 16 a senior member of anything? And over 2600 posts. I hope you still have time to do your homework. No one here has mentioned school or grades. If your sister is an honor student and you are scraping by taking shop classes, as a parent, I might understand her getting a new car and you getting the Toyota. I also agree that the Corolla would be a good learners car, put the dents in that. I wanted a car when I got my licensce too. But I had already crashed my Mom's 79 Dodge Colt and My Dad's 72 Chevy pickup while I still had my permit. My dad got a Moped (this was 1981) and said "ride this, and if you crash again you will get hurt and not the vehicle" When I graduated from highschool my Dad paid half of the $800 for my first vehicle and I paid the rest on his credit card at $25 a month. That was my 78 Honda 400 Hawk. Liability insurance was $11 a month, I lived at home and had bills of $36 a month, those were the days.
Any way I am rambling like the old man I am. Enjoy what you have and tell your parents how much you appreciate them. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
Dont look!!!!! When i was 18 and a senior in high school i was up my uncles garage where he stores some of his buddies cars from time to time and there was a blown jeep his duster something else and then a car under a cover.... and ive always like 67-69 darts. an i asked him what was under the cover (while being able to tell it was a dart) and he was like sry i cant tell you. and was rushing to get us out of the garage. we then went to the local diner and were eating and i kept askin him about the car. and i was graduating that year from high school and him and my dad were like u cant look eggin me to think it was for me. ive worked my butt off around the house and of my two older brothers and his two kids none of them have any interest in cars what so ever. Then i was askin questions like what motor? stick auto? and all this stuff and they were like i cant tell u ull find out soon enough. so i went home thinking maybe i would be gettin a muscle car finally. my best buddy has a 68 chevelle him and his dad restored and my other buddy had a 68 turino. and i have my 98 neon r/t which i love even for a 4 bager. but after a few weeks my dads like its marks dart their one buddy. i was a little disappointed but really didnt matter because i still get to share the car hobby with my dad and my uncle every day and they know a lot about old cars but come to me when they need help with new ones. and just a few weeks ago i got my dad to loan me the money to buy my 67 barracuda which needs a good bit of work. but it was well worth the wait and it will happen when its meant to. sure i would of enjoyed that dart back then but it would of just been given to me. and in the mean while i took what i had and made the best of it. i learned a lot about the neons and how easy they are to mod and also maintained up keep, cleaned it religiously, and just leaned a lot about life though takin what you got and makin the best of it. this cuda im paying back slowly and will be a project that will be built with my dad, my best friend, and my uncle and will mean so much more to me once its done.
Don't peek. Don't be too hard on yourself for being envious of your sister, it's only human. But remember, "envy is a pit that can never be filled." God will bless the child that's got his own.
Oh my:bootysha:
I bought every car I have had and have now with the money I earned with my 2 hands.
So I would say the same to you that I tell my teenage son------
You are not getting my cars,get a freakin job and buy your own car.I will be happy to help fix it up,but you need to earn the right to call it yours.
Daddy was a mailman for 36 years. Mama worked a few jobs until she got sick with cancer and daddy had to retire early to become her caregiver. They bought my sister a car when she turned 16. A 1976 Chevy Monza. They barely had enough to scrape together to send her to nursing school. So, obviously, in our family through the years, money was not present. I worked from the time I was nine, in 1974 until I was hurt on the job by a practical joke in 1999. I have been disabled ever since, so obviously, in our family now, money is not present. No one ever bought me a big present like a car. In fact, I always got my sister's hand me down bicycles. That is until a neighbor down the street sold me his old 10 speed for 40 bucks. I never even had a new bike. My advice to you is to be thankful your family is as blessed as it is and hope and pray nothing ever happens to change that. A lot of families are nowhere as blessed as it sounds like yours is. Sounds like you expect a lot just for pretty much being nothing more than a member of the family. My advice is expect nothing but appreciate anything. No one owes you a thing.

Well said, Scamp.
Ram your toyota into sister's Jetta and use the insurance to buy an old A Body?

My dad came home one day when I was 16 and said "Got you a car!" I had been begging for one since getting my permit and since everyone else was driving to school in their parent's Audis and Porsches (Our Navy family housing bordered a high dollar gated community), I thought it was OWED to me. He told me it was a used Toyota Station Wagon but it had a sunroof and a tape player. I acted like a little **** the entire way to the dealership pouting and being all pissy that I was getting a grocery getter as my first car. My dad never lost his cool and kept smiling and telling me all the good things about the car. When he was doing the paperwork inside I was outside pouting at the front of the dealership next to a Suzuki Samarai (this was the early 90's) that looked almost new and had the top down. I imagined how cool it would be to have THAT car to take girls to the beach in and run around with my friends.

My dad came out of the dealership, got into the Suzuki and tossed me the keys. "Get in your car". There was no Toyota Station Wagon. He had been pulling my leg the entire time.

To this day I still cringe at the thought of how much of an *** I was that day. Don't ruin your surprise with a bad memory.

Now, that was a good one.
Mike be greatful for whatever you get. Keep the corolla forwinter beater or when ever your a-body is down. You will get some a body soon even if you drive your corolla back and forth to a job. Remenber your parents owe you nothing but I hoping you get an a body.
I am guessing it was something good in the trailer and he is too busy having a great day and thanking his parents to get online and tell us about it. Either that or he is in highschool.
My first Car was the Toyota Corolla that my sister has wrecked 3 times (the last time the insurance company totaled it). I was given the car and given directions to a junk yard my father (a mechanic by trade) had an "arrangement" with. I was told I could pull the necessary parts I needed to get the car running and have it put on his "tab" but I had to do the work myself. Took me almost 4 months getting that thing to drive down the road straight but I was plenty proud of it when I was done. I then sold it and bought a wrecked 66 Valiant and rebuilt it. that was my pattern for the first 5 years I drove and I never lost money on a car until I got married and my former wife asked me to buy her a newer car for her and the kids.... Been down hill ever since...

Bottom line is this, I have 4 boys and one girl. The Boys were given project cars to fix up and drive because it made them appreciate it more. The Girl was given a used and nicer car than the boys but I make her do all the repairs on it as well.

Be glad your parents bought you something and have the patience to wait and open it at the right time. It will be a life experience that you will have the rest of your life. Plus you get the added benifit of looking at the kids whose parents bought them a new car and tell them, "Yeah, But I built mine..."
Yeah my first car was a nissan altima with 130,000 miles on it that i bought myself... I wouldn't really complain about getting anything for free at 16. The only child in my family who was given a car at 16 was my brother, who has a different dad, he was given a 1971 bug that was in god awful shape at 16 from his dad. Other than that we all bought our own cars our whole lives.
well another thing is, i've never been able to buy my own project car, like i have a job working for my parents at our towing company, and i there has been alot of talk about what im getting for my birthday, and i know if it is a car i should be greatful, and i will be, but i learned to be happy even if i dont get anything, just means i can put more money into the willys, and i will not look in the trailer as much as i want to, and my buddy said its locked cause he wanted to know too, so im just greatful to be in this situation of how "gifted" my family is financially, but it comes at a cost, because my parents are never home. and my dad was hauling a 24 ft enclosed car trailer behind an 08 super duty.

thanks guys!
Whatever it is, it won't be as good as that TDI, ha ha!. I have a 2002 TDI for my beater. Best shitbox compact EVER MADE BAR NONE!!!!!!! Still would rather drive my Duster though (even though the TDI is quicker, and gets 50mpg).
the only V.W.'s that are worth a damn are the classic ones : the bugs , buses , Things , Ghias , et al. , and not shitbox Jettas , Rabbits , et al.

ANY German car will turn on you after it's 3 years old ! The exceptions being the bugs , buses , etc.

That 2008 "Super" Duty must've been hauling head gaskets and turbos for that delicious 6.0 ( a/k/a " Six Litre Turbo Eater " ) .

Back in 1985 , my dad sold his 1969 Dart Custom ( 273 / 904 ) for the princely sum of ...

... $100 !!!!!

I was about to turn 16 and I wanted that Dart so flippin' bad ! It had been in the family since 1971 .
My parents -- God love 'em -- didn't want for me to have a car : " ... that's going to be a problem , need repairs , and is a money pit ... " .

So , instead , he sold it to some "Immigrant Labourer" ; he GAVE IT AWAY, is more like it !!
I bought my first car for $65 and when I got it home I opened the trunk and took 1/2 the engine out and reassembled it where it belonged. It was a 69 caprice.
My first car was a Mopar station wagon. Not an A body like the one I have now though. A 68 Fury Wagon with a 383, I bought for $400. In a fit of stupidity a year later I cut the roof off. It was a lot of fun with 9 people going to the American river in that thing. Sold it for $400 to some skate punks in 86. My buddy bought it back from them in 87 and pulled the motor to put in a 300 convertible.
Don't look in the trailer. For all you know, your looking at cars ignited the fever in your pops and he went and bought himself a car.

As far as your sister, take it as a compliment that they have faith in your abilities to keep an old car running and drive it safely, whereas they probably had no faith in her abilities so bought her something reliable and safer. Very rarely do girls get treated the same as boys in a family. :)
poor mike lol come on man, don't look you will feel bad if you do and it turns out to be for you. Just remember I built my swinger with 100% my money and I couldn't be happier that I did. Is it finished? no but thats half the fun any way and besides its all mine.