Vin number question

As I thought. That makes the OP's car suspect. We would need the shipping order number and more documentation to see what the problem is.
The SO number is 6134. The fendertag seems to be correct. The SO number for 1965 models were all 5 digits. The VIN # on that car L452 indicates 1965 Dart GT w/273 assembled in Hamtramck. Therest of the Vin,# 6xx *** indicates February to April 1965 assembly date.
How do you know his shipping order number? I didn't see him post it.
Yeah, I'd like to see the one on the core support. Fender tags can be swapped too.
Yeah, I'd like to see the one on the core support. Fender tags can be swapped too.
I asked him to check the SO number on the radiator support too. But if the so number matches the body and fendertag still it has a 1965 VIN tag. SO numbers in 1965 were all 5 digits.
The “OP” should send in a request for the car’s IBM card which would answer a lot of these questions. I was able to verify all of my VIN, fender tag and body stamping numbers along with the original selling dealership info through them.
The broadcast sheet has both the VIN and the body stamp numbers, otherwise no way to prove the VIN belongs to that car.

I know that they were making '65 models by Sept 17th, 1964, because I owned one built on that date. Anyone here have an earlier production date on their '65 model?
1965 Model year started 1 August 1964 ran through 2nd Friday July 1965

That would be a real late '65 model, right?. Not a '66 model? The OP was stating that his '64 model was built in Sept or Oct of '64 because the changeover started late that year. I have my doubts over that. It might have been delayed a few days, but, months? I don't think so. Also, did all the plants have the same changeover date? One reason I ask is that I have an early '66 model built Aug 17th, 1964, but, that's not what is odd. What's odd is that it's an original Hawaii sold car, but, was built at Hamtramck, not Los Angeles. Why would they ship a car to Hawaii from Detroit when they could build and ship right from LA unless the LA plant wasn't ready to build cars early enough to fill the order.
What's odd is that it's an original Hawaii sold car, but, was built at Hamtramck, not Los Angeles. Why would they ship a car to Hawaii from Detroit when they could build and ship right from LA unless the LA plant wasn't ready to build cars early enough to fill the order.

Maybe all cars that were built for foreign sales were built at Hamtramck plant and maybe Alaska and Hawaii were included for convenience of export transportation.
CA cars got the C.A.P package and no 64-5 273 driver side exhaust pipe supports (I think that was correct? ) The Detroit plant got the rust belt production without C.A.P. Maybe Hawaii didnt get the C.A.P. so no LA plant cars? "LA" plant was actually in City of Commerce, a city within LA county and a Ford assembly plant was right across the street. Its a high rise office building now
CA cars got the C.A.P package and no 64-5 273 driver side exhaust pipe supports (I think that was correct? ) The Detroit plant got the rust belt production without C.A.P. Maybe Hawaii didnt get the C.A.P. so no LA plant cars? "LA" plant was actually in City of Commerce, a city within LA county and a Ford assembly plant was right across the street. Its a high rise office building now
Hawaii cars didn't get C.A.P. that year, so, that's entirely possible. Not much needed to change a C.A.P. car to a non C A.P. car, so, it could have been done if they had the parts and will (permission?) to do it.
That would be a real late '65 model, right?. Not a '66 model? The OP was stating that his '64 model was built in Sept or Oct of '64 because the changeover started late that year. I have my doubts over that. It might have been delayed a few days, but, months? I don't think so. Also, did all the plants have the same changeover date? One reason I ask is that I have an early '66 model built Aug 17th, 1964, but, that's not what is odd. What's odd is that it's an original Hawaii sold car, but, was built at Hamtramck, not Los Angeles. Why would they ship a car to Hawaii from Detroit when they could build and ship right from LA unless the LA plant wasn't ready to build cars early enough to fill the order.
Just a correction, if you have a 66 Abody it would be built Aug 17th 1965.