virtual reality



Well-Known Member
Jan 3, 2007
Reaction score
Midlands, SC
a 10 year old comes up to his dad and says,"dad, what's virtual reality?"
his dad thinks for a while than says, "i can't really explain it to you, so i'll show you. go up to your sister and ask her if she would sleep with a man she never met before for a million dollars." the kid says,"ok" and goes to his 17 year old sister's room and asks her the question his dad told him to ask her. without thinking about it she exclaims,"hell yes!" so the boy goes and tells his dad what his sister said. so than his dad says, "ok, now go and ask your mom the same question." the kid goes off into the kitchen and asks his mom the same thing he asked his sister. she thinks for a bit than says,"yes i would." so the kid goes back to his dad to report the results. so than his dad says,"ok, how about you? would you sleep with a man you've never met before for a million dollars?" the kid gives it a little though and says,"yes, once in my lifetime i would."
so than his dad says,"ok, see, virtually we're millionaires, but in reality, there's 2 whores and a queer living in the house!"