Resting voltage on my battery is 12.3v.Not really.
The alt gauge measures Amps
The voltage regulator regulates the voltage going into the battery based on the load on the alternator.
So if you have a high load like the lights are on. The ammeter will read discharge then with the engine running the ammeter will read in the middle because the alternator is supplying just the amount of power the load needs.
If the ammeter is reading high then it is trying to power a high load between the ammeter and the battery or the battery itself.
I had a similar situation a week or so ago.
Turns out the battery was on its way out. Not saying that's your issue.
My symptoms were 10 amp charge current but the charge voltage was low like 13 v
So was mine. But would only charge to 13 and change but the ammeter was showing a 10 amp load with nothing but the engine running.Resting voltage on my battery is 12.3v.
I guess I'll keep searching out the issue.
Thanks for the response
Can a bad voltage regulator cause the alt gauge to be buried..?
I don't understand your answer. Of course it can. One that for some reason is causing a "full field" (full charge) condition, and or a large capacity alternator, or an alternator that is recharging a somewhat dead battery and actually working normally.Not really.
Can a bad voltage regulator cause the alt gauge to be buried..?
Did you get an to an answer to your issue?Resting voltage on my battery is 12.3v.
I guess I'll keep searching out the issue.
Trickle charged the battery... This is where my amp gauge is after it's been running for a minute or so... but at first start it is just below +40...A battery on low charge, even with the regulator working fine (controlling to aprroximately 14.5 Volts) can draw 35 to 40 amps.
An example using a manual charger shown here
That's about right.This is where my amp gauge is after it's been running for a minute or so
I have seen similar and suspect this happens when:but at first start it is just below +40...