Vote for Sophie!



Leanna ~ The Mistress of Metal
FABO Vendor
Jan 17, 2005
Reaction score
Greenfield, Tennessee
A young friend of mine whom I used to work with in south Louisiana has entered her baby in the Gerber Generation Photo Search. Among other things, the top prize is a $25,000 college scholarship and appearance in a Gerber commercial.

Over 155,000 childrens' photos have been submitted as of this posting.

If you could see your way to helping Virginia and her husband out with a quick click vote for little Sophie, it might help to ensure a good start on her formal education in a few years. :-D

This link will hopefully bring you directly to Sophie's page. If it takes you to the contest's home page, enter the number 144934 in the search box and it will bring up Sophie's entry. From there, just a simple click, entering your email address and confirming you're over 13 years of age will cast your vote (upon confirmation of your email address).

You can vote once per computer per day. Please add the link to your favorite daily bookmark sites and let's help get little Sophie into Harvard!!!

Thanks in advance for your time and assistance. Virginia, Sophie, V's husband and I all appreciate it. :love7:

I voted! And it wasn't for Obama. :-D
The link worked for me, I am trying to figure out how to vote and not register a child :read2::read2:
I will figure it out and get some votes in Leanna :-D I hope :-D

Thank you sooooooooo much for your help!!

I wanted to join this discussion board too so I could personally thank everyone for helping us help Sophie!! It means so much to us!

Sean, Virginia & Sophie
A little bump for the cause! Thanks to all who've voted -- and tried :-D!

Welcome to FABO Virginia and family! I think Sophie may be our youngest member.
Thanks for your persistence Lvr! And thanks to everyone for getting on board with this great cause for a beautiful young lady.
Sophie is very excited to be a member!!!

I'm starting her off young! She will be able to teach her daddy all about cars!

Thanks for voting!! It ends 10/31!:love7:
Thank you so much! She's about 120 votes behind one baby BUT I haven't given up yet!!!

Regardless if she wins or not, everyone's efforts mean so much!
I voted for Sophie.....what a cutie!! Good Luck :cheers:
Thank you guys so much!!

She's hanging in there. She had 140 votes the last time I checked and there's a little boy w/300.... The contest ends the 31st so there is always time to catch up!

Again, thank you to everyone who is voting for my baby! The support we've received is amazing!

Thank you Leanna for your help-means the world to us.

Just in case, this is the link-

:love7:Everyone can vote once a day, per computer/email til the 31st!:love7:

I LOVE this message board btw! I'm determined to learn all about the cars everyone has on here! My ride is a Honda Accord and its not nearly as interesting as yours!
Thank you soooo much!

She's about 150 votes behind a baby, but the month isn't over yet! She's a fighter!

Thank you to everyone who is helping us out! A scholarship would be an awesome win! Thank you Leanna for all your help too!!! Words cannot begin to express how much we appreciate all the help!

Just in case, the link is

You can vote every day.... One email per computer....

I'm determined to learn as much as I can about the cars you guys listed that you own too!! My hot rod is a Honda Accord and obviously it's nothing to brag about! LOL!!

Maybe Sophie will be the next car designer!

Thank you again from the bottom of our hearts!