VX 35 in So Cal

Ok so this is a dual turbine, so would that be dual waste gate (and for that matter, what cylinders should go to each channel?

I don't believe that more than one waste gate is needed in this application. The total exhaust output should be regulated (wasted, to some degree) by a single, poppet-valve controlled by the signal from a boost controller, a device that keeps the [waste gate] actuating signal in abeyance, until boost comes up to the pre-set limit. Once fifiteen pounds (or, whatever the waste gate (and, boost-controller,) is adjusted to, of measured pressure, has been generated by the turbo, the signal to open then goes to the waste gate and it opens immediately, ensuring that over-boost does not occur. Failure to run a boost controller will result in the waste gate trying to open gradually, a little at a time, (in a stall-start situation, for example,) as boost builds... not conducive to quick spooling.)

"Intercooler" is mis-used 90-percent of the time. What most of us call an "intercooler" is actually, an "aftercooler." An "intercooler" is the heat-exchanger that goes between two compresssors in a 2-(or, more-) stage forced induction system. Sometimes, two turbos (or, superchargers) are used in series, one feeding the other, and when they install a heat exchanger in between them, it is called an "intercooler." But, any air-cooling device used in forced induction, even with ONE compressor, has come to be called an "intercooler."

Like "Coke" and "Kleenex"... popular usage dictates our vernacular...:coffee2:

The center bearings that are water-cooled and usually just called water-cooled turbo's, I think... and have nothing to do with intercooling, which is, in reality, "charge cooling."

Hope this helps...:blob:
...Also, and I've been meaning to mention this, you will have to run an external wastwegate with that turbo. The factory internal wastegate is set to something like 25 psi and isn't adjustable.

UOP, thanks for the explanations.
Bill, that's a great explanation, thanks!

Thank you for that; it's nice to hear, BECAUSE, four years ago, I had never owned, driven, or worked on anything with a turbocharger on it.

Whatever I know (and, it ain't much, understandably,) comes from what I have been able to glean from the pages of FABO, certain books I have read, and the project car we are building that is the recipient of forced induction.

It has been a steep learning curve, for sure, but it has been a lot of fun, and I am really excited about bringing whatever I have been able to learn, to fruition with THIS :wack:


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