Walkie talkies

Educate me. What are walkie talkies used for in this age of cell phones?
A friend bought a couple of sets so we could communicate between most of the cars in our caravan to Carlisle. Worked better than grabbing a phone and looking for whom to call, plus we didn't break any hands free laws, not that we were worried.
Here you go. I was mistaken -- the phones are used in conjunction with radios to send messages. Give it a watch, pretty neat stuff.

What they are doing is using software on the phones to encode/ decode by some protocal into what amounts to sound card input outputs. The audio then goes into the transmitting radio, and the other radio receives and converts it to audio which is then decoded. Radio Amateurs have been doing this type of thing for decades. A guy wonders how secure it is, when anyone can download the software. All you'd need if you are "spying" is the same software on a like Android device, and a radio capable of listening on that frequency. This has nothing to do with cellular as such.
What they are doing is using software on the phones to encode/ decode by some protocal into what amounts to sound card input outputs. The audio then goes into the transmitting radio, and the other radio receives and converts it to audio which is then decoded. Radio Amateurs have been doing this type of thing for decades. A guy wonders how secure it is, when anyone can download the software. All you'd need if you are "spying" is the same software on a like Android device, and a radio capable of listening on that frequency. This has nothing to do with cellular as such.

Yes, that's how I understand it. I just think it's neat that someone could use their phone in a place with no cell service and send text messages. Did you see the part in the video where he talks about "hypersonic mode"? What is your opinion on that in regards to someone trying to intercept your message?
A friend bought a couple of sets so we could communicate between most of the cars in our caravan to Carlisle. Worked better than grabbing a phone and looking for whom to call, plus we didn't break any hands free laws, not that we were worried.
Plus it's a lot to fun. We caravanned to Colorado years ago. We all had CB handles and fed each other crap the whole trip. Sure makes Nebraska more fun. LMAO
And ABOUT CB. There is generally a lot less traffic on CB than there used to be and you can buy used radios CHEAP. Do not discount it