Its $9.00 a hundred. You have it wrong you put your money where your mouth is. Come on by I'll load you with the grapple bucket and pack it. Last trip was a little over 2 ton. $375.00 for one load.
There are 10 rear seats here for 73's mint condition. they are lined up along the fence. Other members helped me put them there Saturday. When they get wet from rain they will get loaded next. They took the 70 seat there is also a 70 swinger and a 72 duster. I am only keeping the 71 seats. and 71 parts.
So big mouth come on up and I'll have the kid load ya .$900 a hundred you take it in the order its loaded. I hope your trucks as big as your mouth.
Many have been here. And many got what they needed bundled price. .They loaded themselves. I will enjoy loading your truck.
There are 10 rear seats here for 73's mint condition. they are lined up along the fence. Other members helped me put them there Saturday. When they get wet from rain they will get loaded next. They took the 70 seat there is also a 70 swinger and a 72 duster. I am only keeping the 71 seats. and 71 parts.
So big mouth come on up and I'll have the kid load ya .$900 a hundred you take it in the order its loaded. I hope your trucks as big as your mouth.
Many have been here. And many got what they needed bundled price. .They loaded themselves. I will enjoy loading your truck.