Warbird Photos Oshkosh 2010



Scamp Tramp
Jan 13, 2009
Reaction score
Fort Dodge Iowa
Some photos taken from the air show I worked this weekend.










Nice! I love older warplanes. I am thinking of building a mini version reminiscent of the WW2 fighters. But... That is after my Dusters get finished.
Love the first photo! Made my day!

The National Warplane Museum here in Elmira (actually Big Flats) used to have some great airshows. Saw the T-birds and the Blue Angels there. The Fuddy Duddy, one of the few remaining B-17's, used to be in the collection here, but they sold it for funding. Man, what a blast that was to hear it flying over the hills taking passengers for rides. They haven't had an air show in over a decade now, though. And the skies seem silent since the Fuddy Duddy flew away...

Thanks for posting up the pics and bringing back some memories of spending days at the airfield watching these birds fly, getting to chat with the pilots, and having the Blue Angels give my then five year old niece a flag for her birthday!
Love those old war birds!
Sunday (7-25-10) the B-17 "Liberty Bell" was here in Syracuse NY. I flew in this vintage aircraft and enjoyed every second of my ride. Thanks to those people in the Liberty Bell Association for making this available to the people.
Thanks even more and god bless those individuals who flew in these aircraft so that we could be here to enjoy life as we know it today!
I tried to attach some pictures but......
thats realy cool. my wife grandpa who just passed in dec.09 used to build the old planes at GOODYEAR air dock in akron ohio. he use to tell u storys of how the would tie then down and leave them run to break in the motor after finishing them up.they were quite load with 3 or4 running at the same time. air dock was were they kept the blimps.
Awesome pictures, thanks! Every Rememberance Day, they bring out the old war planes and fly them overhead. You can hardly see them, but even just the sound is amazing.

I've got these same tires on my Fargo, hahah.

Way cool. I love going to air shows and air museums. They are a lot of fun. I like to go down to Chino to the planes of fame museum they have all kids of cool stuff down there and have good air showes. Also like to go out to the reno air races in september. Lot of fun watching old suped up warbirds going 500MPH.
If you find yourself in Or. check out the Spruce Goose at the Evergreen Museum

Here is the site

They have all kinds of craft!!!=P~


My house sits on a bluff overlooking the old Hughes Aircraft property. Most of the land has been parceled out and developed, but the hanger that the Spruce Goose was built in still stands. I can see it only about 400 yards away, out my back window. They use it for filming now. It is so big, it makes a great soundstage.