We are a go! Fall Fling Oct 24th 2020 @Irwindale Speedway -Mopar Swap-Show-Drags

Sporting events at Levi stadium get a green light and we can’t look at cars?

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See where the State (California) said one thing, but the County (Santa Clara) said something else.

Same happened to us. County said OK, city said NO.

This a Public Relations game of hot potato.

Side A looks good by saying OK. Then Side B says NO.... time goes on... then Side B says OK and Side A says NO

This way, each side gets to look good by saying OK.

But nothing effectively changes.
Replace the word Pandemic with DEMPANIC.

wonder what would of happened if the event coordinators didn’t cancel, and just say f**k you kiss my big white ***... they gonna send the police in? Get a big huge fine? I’d never pay it. I hate when people cower. You get enough of us together, we’d be unstoppable.

Sorry. I’m still really bitter. I had a few thousand bucks saved up. Was really lookin forward to the swap, and I’m lookin for a ‘69 Dart in the 10k range.
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I PM'd Steve aka AutoXCuda and haven't heard back.
I feel like the guy chasing the hot chick that gave me a fake phone #.....
L.A. city and county are so screwed up over their panic responses to the virus that it is difficult to plan anything that far ahead.
I raced at the tnt irwindale had this past saturday, despite the rediculous entry fee. Mask use was absolutely MANDATORY, and about 95% complied, for fear of getting shut down again.
I'm pretty sure that when i get my brake problem resolved, i will be patronizing Barona more.
Waiting to hear from Woodley Park to see where they are or think they will be with opening parks up to events in April. We have April 17 & 18 reserved if they the will allow an event

We also have October reserved. If April is not allowed we’ll make October two days of possible.
Still unsure. What a joke. Not you steve, the “lawmakers”


But it’s where we are at.

Thing is, it’s tough to flip something like this on with just weeks notice. Same level of issue is that the facilities want full price.

So you might not break even with less attendance and facilities cost. We’ve already lost money twice trying to put on two Mopar events.
People! Remember to VOTE with your wallet and your memory next election day. Make the assclowns pay for screwing with our lives.
Unfortunately we will not have a Spring show this year.

LA parks are not open and other locations that are close enough to manage are not open either or cannot commit in these uncertain times for a spring event.

We are still hoping for a Fall Fling if governments will allow it by then.

Check our social media for later show announcements.

CPW Club
How ironic that the biggest Mopar club in the state is located in the most oppressive, people and car UNfriendly place in the state......

1 huh.gif
Profanity warning.

I hope you guys can pull it off!

This is ******* bullshit.

I've been going to these events for five years, my car not running. It's running now, has been since fourth of July last year.

We're done with the bullshit, we're done with Newsome.

It's my opinion, they will have to back down, enough is enough.
Profanity warning.

I hope you guys can pull it off!

This is ******* bullshit.

I've been going to these events for five years, my car not running. It's running now, has been since fourth of July last year.

We're done with the bullshit, we're done with Newsome.

It's my opinion, they will have to back down, enough is enough.
Man I agree. I’m fuckin TIRED of this ****. The way our government is acting, makes me want to be a ******* criminal. Outlaw. I’m about ready to fuckin pop.