We have censorship

If it's your comments on the "Life can change real fast" thread you're referring to then I'm not surprised they got toasted. They were inappropriate and served no purpose other than to get into a pissing contest with the religious members on this board. Not being the religious type myself I've found that just keeping one's trap shut is the easiest way to get along. By the way, freedom of speech doesn't apply on FABO.

Merry Christmas

I think I looked at that thread :-k and never went back 8)
But not till after my post 8)
I remember asking 8) or told them :shock:they needed some toilet paper for there mouth :angry7: words or something like that 8)
Not sure :-D

Marry Christmas demon seed :rock: :happy10:
The first ammendment is a restriction of Congress regarding free speech among other freedoms listed. It doesn't apply to the moderators of private websites.

For instance, Congress can not restrict me from wishing everyone "Merry Christmas" but the moderator(s) of this site can remove/delete the post if he/she/they so desire.

Merry Christmas
It was I. YEP! Mean ol'grump *** backstabing rat muthafrakin rumblefish360 pissin off people cause he aint got nuthin else better to do than deleate post which dumb *** mutha think is OK to post up.


Cry me a river you piss ant. Post something of content worthy of leaving up and it'll stay up.

Becareful now. Don't make me do my job....cause it gets done with ease and joy.
So be careful now, and read the law before you open up your rotted piehole and let maggots drip out. Danm crap stains clutering up the board with dribble and such.

Perhaps, a vote is in order. I should poll your butt. I'll put up your point of view and mine and ask the general public if you should stay or should you go.

Sound good? Very democratic of me huh?

Ready to gamble? Ready to play the game?

See ya after your temp banning. Makes me wish I banned you.

You do not have freedom of speech on a privately owned forum. You have rules.

Not being able to follow rules is your problem.

If it's your comments on the "Life can change real fast" thread you're referring to then I'm not surprised they got toasted. They were inappropriate and served no purpose other than to get into a pissing contest with the religious members on this board. Not being the religious type myself I've found that just keeping one's trap shut is the easiest way to get along. By the way, freedom of speech doesn't apply on FABO.

Merry Christmas

Thank you very much. It's amazing that yet someone else has to point this out to the dumb muth Frakin retard!
It was I. YEP! Mean ol'grump *** backstabing rat muthafrakin rumblefish360 pissin off people cause he aint got nuthin else better to do than deleate post which dumb *** mutha think is OK to post up.


Cry me a river you piss ant. Post something of content worthy of leaving up and it'll stay up.

Becareful now. Don't make me do my job....cause it gets done with ease and joy.
So be careful now, and read the law before you open up your rotted piehole and let maggots drip out. Danm crap stains clutering up the board with dribble and such.

Perhaps, a vote is in order. I should poll your butt. I'll put up your point of view and mine and ask the general public if you should stay or should you go.

Sound good? Very democratic of me huh?

Ready to gamble? Ready to play the game?

See ya after your temp banning. Makes me wish I banned you.


Thank you very much. It's amazing that yet someone else has to point this out to the dumb muth Frakin retard!

Good evening Rumble :happy10:, wow, You write good :toothy10:
I read your post and enjoyed it tooooo much :cheers:

Marry Christmas and thank you :happy10: this ones for you :eek:ccasion::drinkers:
Thank you MeMike.

About 6 days from now, when ding dong gets back, the question will be begged.....

Will he be, "Reaaaaaady to ruuuuuuuuuuuuummmmmmmmmmmmmble!!!!!!!!!!

Or will he just zip it and think before he starts shooting off his mouth?

"Thinks that make you go "Hummmmmmm?"
This thread now about naughty Christmas girls. Please post the pics before the wife gets home.

Here yea go :toothy10:
I bet they are on an island 1968FormulaS340 :toothy10:
just for you

Marry Christmas 1968FormulaS340 :cheers::drinkers::drinkers::drinkers:


  • 1914mn8uh6.jpg
    123.3 KB · Views: 344
HOLY CRAP, PINK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OK, take these baby's to the babe thread! WOW!
Here yea go :toothy10:
I bet they are on an island 1968FormulaS340 :toothy10:
just for you

Marry Christmas 1968FormulaS340 :cheers::drinkers::drinkers::drinkers:

Memike....What happened to your other suspender ?

Lol..........Merry Christmas Bud !!!! :cheers:
I do not know why, but I just feel this is fitting for this thread.....
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SwxcFmToim8"]YouTube - The Superions - Fruitcake[/ame]
HOLY CRAP, PINK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OK, take these baby's to the babe thread! WOW!

You will have to show me hoe to remove it :toothy10:

:toothy10::toothy10: I will be right back 8), I ran out of pop corn :toothy10:
Big brother is watching our posts. If you say anything this scum sucking pig doesn't like he removes it. (He knows who he is.) what happened to freedom of speech. Hunky

i never really thought it was bad here. you want to see a board your censored like a 2 year old go over to moparts..
i also own a forum bcgbody.com

i dont have censorship...but i leave it up to my members to be mature enough to act like adults....

i really lilke this site, alot of useful tech, and GREAT members with awesome support...good jobs FABO STAFF!!!
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dzOHq5WbQ8k"]YouTube - We're Gettin the Band Back Together[/ame]
i never really thought it was bad here. you want to see a board your censored like a 2 year old go over to moparts..

Thank Joe.

You will have to show me hoe to remove it I will be right back 8), I ran out of pop corn :toothy10:

Naaaaa, just repost it in the babes thread.
Free speech exists everywhere. Consequence-free speech exists nowhere. Say whatever you want wherever and whenever you want…and be prepared for the consequences of your decision.

Me, I've had posts deleted on here. Just the other day in a thread with title "What's wrong with my 318?" I posted "What's wrong with your 318? Half of its cylinders are on the wrong side of the engine, and it's got two extras. :toothy10:". I was just trying for a cheap laff (heh, see what I did there? Slantsixdan? Lulz?), but it musta pissed someone off, 'cause the post got nuked. Do you hear me bîtching? No, because the moderators get to zap whatever posts they want, and they don't have to justify themselves.
Free speech exists everywhere. Consequence-free speech exists nowhere. Say whatever you want wherever and whenever you want…and be prepared for the consequences of your decision.

Me, I've had posts deleted on here. Just the other day in a thread with title "What's wrong with my 318?" I posted "What's wrong with your 318? Half of its cylinders are on the wrong side of the engine, and it's got two extras. :toothy10:". I was just trying for a cheap laff (heh, see what I did there? Slantsixdan? Lulz?), but it musta pissed someone off, 'cause the post got nuked. Do you hear me bîtching? No, because the moderators get to zap whatever posts they want, and they don't have to justify themselves.

now I think thats funny
Free speech exists everywhere. Consequence-free speech exists nowhere. Say whatever you want wherever and whenever you want…and be prepared for the consequences of your decision.

Me, I've had posts deleted on here. Just the other day in a thread with title "What's wrong with my 318?" I posted "What's wrong with your 318? Half of its cylinders are on the wrong side of the engine, and it's got two extras. :toothy10:". I was just trying for a cheap laff (heh, see what I did there? Slantsixdan? Lulz?), but it musta pissed someone off, 'cause the post got nuked. Do you hear me bîtching? No, because the moderators get to zap whatever posts they want, and they don't have to justify themselves.

Say it ain't so Dan, you actually got censored/nuked/wacked/slapped. I find this very hard to believe.:toothy10::toothy10:

Merry Christmas Dan or Happy Hanukah which ever the case may be.8)
I love this site and welcome the censorship. Go gold and anything goes. Stay a regular member and watch what you post. Easy to follow rules apply.
Merry Christmas to all.
now I think thats funny

Good ol Dan giving us wisdom and laughs :cheers:

Merry Christmas Dan you have been allot of help for many :cheers:
And a merry Christmas you to Racer :cheers:
Remind me not to piss off the Rumble.