We Love ya Bruce!!!



moving on ain't easy if you drive a Ford :p
Apr 9, 2008
Reaction score
Floral City Florida
Quit smoking!!!!:stop::stop::stop::stop::stop::stop::stop: you need every ounce of energy to fight this so ya gotta quit smokin.....I Love ya Like a Bro and don't wanna be tellin ya what to do but please.......please quit smokin
P.S. Ya'll can ragg him on this subject too...................
Well, ragging on someone addiction, sucks. If it helps him, great. Then again, I fail to see how it would.

Does anybody else smoke in his house? If so, it would be alot like sending a recovering addict, drink or drugs, back into the bar to live / drug den to live.

Best of luck with this Bruce. If your gonna go for it, GO FOR IT!

Yea baby! Cheering you on!!!!
when ya care about someone ya do what ya gotta do...truth be told....every ouce of energy is needed to fight cancer....I rest my case :angry7:
I agree.... I quit 12 years ago when my Dr said I had cancer. So please STOP, you have a lot of friends here. It will really help in treatment.
I quit cold turkey 9 years ago. Beef jerky helps. Keeps the hand and mouth buzy just like a smoke. Goes good with beer like a smoke too.
Smoking sucks, and cancer sucks even more. Good luck and stay strong.
I quite almost 5 years ago, My wife stopped about a year later but has recently started again and its been a major strain on us lately.

Bruce, I cant imagine what your going through but I wish you the best.
Would a picture of a NAKKIID FatMan In a Power chair scare you into quitting??
It would turn me off power chairs forever!!:angry7:

We love you Bruce. I would never tell someone else how to live, but we want to see you get through this.
Power to you Bruce, its not impossible...pretty much 7 weeks for me without one. Today was the pressure cooker though...damned kids!!!
Bruce ya need to be spending your money on sustaining your life, not ending it....

really man... :wave:
You have to do it for your strength to fight this evil Bruce.We all care about ya Bro!Time to give er up.
See Bruce we all love ya. Do it for yourself and family it does make Chemo a little easier.
I would encourage you to quit. It will give you a sense of power and you won't have them dragging down your energy and your positive attitude.
I first met Bruce in FABO chat. I was a newb and would come in with question after question and he always had time for answers. Helped me get started on my build and the right path to knowledge. He even gave me his personal cell number if I ever needed help. I used that life line a few times while trying to figure things out. Though I have never met you in person Bruce I feel like you're a good friend. Even if I called you up with the dumbest question you always get me on the right path to getting things done. I've always trusted your input and used the information wisely. You are not only a valuable asset to FABO and your loved ones around you but to me as well. I know you’re in bad shape right now and things might seem like the end is inevitable and your fate has been decided but you got to quit smoking... Any amount of extra time you can get with family and friends is more valuable then the 7min you take to smoke that next cigarette. I know I personally would like to see you hang around as long as you can..
Quit this thing that the world has put in you and be strong Bruce, enjoy the simple things like a good old fashion strawberry and show the world that you are strong and have the power in you to never ever put a nasty butt in your mouth again
Prayers for the strength to see the strength in you Bruce
We all love you brother show us and your self that that smoke don't need to pass through your blood system ever again
Thank you MeMike, I don't mean to be up in bruces business but maybe he'll forgive me this time,We Kinda Like ya Bruce.....Ok Ok so we Love ya....So! help us out Bro.....
Quit this thing that the world has put in you and be strong Bruce, enjoy the simple things like a good old fashion strawberry and show the world that you are strong and have the power in you to never ever put a nasty butt in your mouth again
Prayers for the strength to see the strength in you Bruce
We all love you brother show us and your self that that smoke don't need to pass through your blood system ever again
A habit isnt worth a life. I wish you the best in quitting the habit.

Listen up Bruce, we need you around here!