Weird Question: How do you meet your "other half"?



My car stole my wallet!
Jul 10, 2006
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50 Miles from the middle
I went through a bad separation with my long time girl-friend... We started to make a move on marriage and she bailed on me :puker:. So I have been "single" for about a month now. I want to go and meet new people but, I really have no idea how to do it. I work during the week and work on my car (BB Duster) on the week end. As far as a social life its pretty non-existent.

Her and I were together for 11 years. I am 26 (yes, I know we were together since 15:puker:). I have been working on letting go but, as anyone who has done this knows its not easy. I haven't been able to really eat like normal, cant sleep like I used to.

I know I am not the only one who has been in this boat (been ditched in a long relationship) so... My question is what do you guys do to meet new people in this situation? :-s Not too many girls work at the auto parts store or at the gas stations, at least none that... well you know.
I met my wife on Yahoo personals (which is now gone) We've been together for 10 years. However if my wife throws me out I plan on having a long term relationship with my car.
First things first is to get over your ex which will realistically take a bit. No point in taking your baggage into another relationship. You'll know when you've moved on. Be honest about how you feel about it to yourself. You can always try online, a good friend of mine met her husband online and they both knew the instant they met! Good luck man, I know it sucks but the door opens again eventually.
First thing I recommend is STAY single a while. Find yourself SEPARATE of who anybody else is. Have fun. You're young. If you put the focus on finding the "other half" all the time, it'll never happen.....or it'll seem to take an eternity. Just live your life, be yourself and it'll happen for you when you least expect it.
first things first is to get over your ex which will realistically take a bit. No point in taking your baggage into another relationship. You'll know when you've moved on. Be honest about how you feel about it to yourself.

do not rebound into another relationship, your only 26 enjoy your new found freedom cause you might not get a 2nd chance. before you know it you will be dating again.
x3 on the stay single and learn about yourself first. Keep doing the things you like and love to do, along with trying different things that you've always thought about doing. You'll meet someone that likes doing the same things doing that.
Internet chat room. 1999,married in 02 and still strong!
First things first is to get over your ex.QUOTE]

Best way to get over the ex is to move on the the "next". Get out there you are only 26 you should be socializing and having some fun. I met my wife threw friends but I was out and about. You don't meet people sitting at home. Good luck.
Any single chick is single for a reason lol. Because somone else got tired of putting up with their crap lmao.
I married a girl from Ukraine who was a translator for a popular dating site called "A Foreign Affair." I was not a member though. She walked out on me after 3 years and remarried within 1 month of the final divorce paperwork. We never spoke again as this was her final wish.

Everyone's grieving process is different and it takes time. Time tables are diverse for everyone. Sleeping, eating etc will be tough for a while. I recommend going to counseling if your insurance will cover it. I did for a while. I personally think online dating sucks and has never worked for me.

Online personals are like shopping for a car. You can choose color,engine, mileage etc. Let's face it, online dating is primarily based on looks. Once they put their "requirements" in such as: height, weight, distance from them, eye color, education and yearly salary to get the "selections" so to speak; the "deselection" begins. All the "unattractive" people are deleted and the "better looking" choices are left. This is how it is.

There are like 100 men for every female and a online poll once quoted that women usually get up to 100 e mails per week while a male will be lucky if he gets one in a month. I knew a girl who confirmed this process and she said if she did not like the screen name of the prospective male, she deleted him without even reading the profile. She had so many emails she did not know what to do.

Stay single, heal accordingly, busy yourself, go out with friends, go to church, improve yourself and be a better person.
Young lady came into the garage with smoke pouring out from underhood..
......crying her eyes out.
Turns out she had stopped at corner gas station down the street after it started smoking. They qouted her $1,500 for a new engine.
I fixed it for $4.35 ..........and a dinner.
She had to put all the money she had with her on 3qts. of oil and she was hungry.

Oil pressure sending unit split on a 63 /6 Valiant.
I recommend going to counseling if your insurance will cover it. I did for a while. I personally think online dating sucks and has never worked for me.

x2-you'll learn a lot about yourself

Also this is a huge moment in your life dude, find the good things from it and you'll grow and relationship you'll have will be on a totally different level.

Also like the other guys said-go out and have fun, you're young.
I met my wife on a bet, A few guys I worked with bet me I couldn't get a date with her. They said she was stuck up to the max, so I approached her one Thursday afternoon in her office started to chat with her then asked her out for Sat. night. I could see her looking for an excuse to say no but before she knew what hit her were set for Sat. night. Well she told a few people that she don't know how she got into this but she was going to make her date with this "loud mouth" a Quick one , imagine calling me a loud mouth! Well we went to dinner and I had her laughing the whole time, after that we went out dancing and ran into some of my good friends, that is where the fun started she found out where I got my outgoingness. To the point my best friend Gil grabbed her a$$ before me and said now that is a nice a$$. After the shock wore off we all went to breakfast and the rest is history!
The End
I met my wife in high school. I was in a serious relationship with another girl, who was pushing to get married when we graduated that year.
Well, I had really just started to get into hotrods, racing & really wasn't in the marrying mood.
The first time I seen my futhure wife was after my first hour class, I was friends with her sister (my age). She would wear these real tight black jeans, lets just say "WOW!".
Also, she was two years younger than me, so that gave me a little time.
Well, she was 18 & I was 21 when we got married.
Today is my 31st anniversary. Go figuire, LOL
I am going on 20 years with my second wife. We met at a friends wedding.She drove up in a 74 valiant so i had immediate interest. We hung out with out her saying to much then made the comment that she had never seen a person drink that much in her life and still be upright. Explained my captain status on the varsity drinking team and we just hit it off from there. Just get out to meeting places you enjoy (clubs, concerts,car events, sports) so you've got a chance of her having same interest's as you do and be yourself.

I was running in the park and she was roller blading. Turned out we spoke the same language (besides English) and I over heard her say something positive about me. I struck up a convo and we've been a pair ever since.

I wasn't looking for anyone and consider myself found. Maybe it'll happen to you!
Agree with the others when they say take a little time. Jumping into another relationship right away.. especially after being in one so long... wont be good for you. Find yourself again. Think about what you want and not just the next thing to come along. I was married for what I thought was a good ten years. Have two kids and the woman walked out on me. Found out she was cheating with a guy from her work. Anyways.... after some time I found a gal I really liked as she was a customer at my work. We started chatting mostly on emails and got used to each other and eventually dating. We have been dating for over 3 years now and have no immediate plans to jump on the marriage wagon. She is still getting used to my kids, and them to her, but so far its excellent. We live in seperate homes as to not confuse the kids and actually its all working out quite well so far. Were not in a rush as both of us have been divorced. I think this is the way to do it. Get to really know your best friend. Then take it from there.
Good luck in your venture.
I met my wife in 1978. She was friends with My Sister in High School. Well My Sister asked if I could pick Her up from school. O.K. I said. Well I pulled into the school parking lot in My FF4 70 340 4spd bucket seat Swinger. My Sis. was standing there with this girl. Jim this is My friend Patty could You give her a ride home (Hell yes She was smoking hot) My sis in the pass. seat, friend in the back seat (damn) Well I figured I'd show off a little, burning out and pounding gears. I look in the rear view mirror and Patty's smiling from ear to ear. So I say to Myself sis is getting dropped off first. I get to Patty's house to drop her off, She says take Me for a ride. O.K. I've been riding her ever since. ( 33 years now) She's still smoking hot. As for the car, sold it years ago. Now with her encouragement I'm restoring the 70 340 Swinger I bought from 340 John.
I met my boobs at a drive through window at a local owned burger joint, pissed her off at first to the point she threw my food at me!

Wait, did I say boobs? I meant wife......
I met Joyce through a good friend, who was dating her sister.
Joyce needed to make a demo tape for a radio DJ job she was applying for back in 1975. I was a studio musician and part time audio engineer at the time, and my buddy asked if I would engineer a tape for her. I agreed. We will be having our 35th wedding anniversary this coming January.

The funny thing is, when we both got serious about things, I gave up my studio work, and went to work for IBM, and she became a school teacher. I already retired from IBM, and opened my own business, and she will be retiring from teaching in a couple of years.
I lost my DL my senior year of HS for drag racing. (they called it reckless driving) For lack of auto related activity I auditioned for the school play and got a part. One of the other players in this mini-drama was a really cute brunette with great legs! We have been together ever since, married 45 years this coming September. And yes, she watched me build all my cars and encoraged me to buy the Barracuda while I was still building my Comet.8) She is always behind my hobby decisions and we are planning our next build now. That is how I met my BETTER half:toothy10: