welding coated headers



HP@idle > hondaHP@redline
Oct 12, 2012
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hey guys

I don't know if I put the steering linkage in upside down or if the motor is sitting to low
either way, the castlenut from my steering linkage had made a few deep gouges in one of my dougs headers

I have the engine and the headers out right now and im thinking of welding in the gauges

now, the headers are ceramic coated

is this possible to do or will I make matters worse?
If it's for the 02 sensor, just weld the nut on the reducers! I've got a can of eastwood ceramic spray for touch-up's, gonna give it a shot; it might work for you!


I was planning on dressing the headers before I have them welded, but I was more worried about the section around it heating up and burning off the coating

its not to put in any O2 bungs, just fixing some scratches

(on a side note, which way SHOULD the castlenuts point on the 71 steering linkage, up or down?)

and where would one purchase a can of ceramic coat spray?
I was planning on dressing the headers before I have them welded, but I was more worried about the section around it heating up and burning off the coating

its not to put in any O2 bungs, just fixing some scratches

(on a side note, which way SHOULD the castlenuts point on the 71 steering linkage, up or down?)

and where would one purchase a can of ceramic coat spray?

Did you mean ADDRESSING them, or dressing them? If you're thinking of exhaust wrap, don't. It's probably not in the ceramic coaters' fine print and not widely known, but that's one of the major reasons they can deny any warranty they might have extended to you when you bought them. If they suffer real versus cosmetic damage at any point in the future, I suspect any touch-ups with Eastwood products would also void it outright.
hey Leanna

I ment "dressing" them in the way you dress metal before you weld it
hit it with a file or sanding disc or grinder or something along those lines in order to have bare metal exposed to ensure a clean weld

now, I wouldn't go any further than say 1/4 inch on each side of the gash AND my welder ensured me he would use a stainless rod

so my main question is, can I do this without wreaking havoc on the entire header
how do I treat the weld (and the area around it that got hot) to preserve it the best?

im not too worried about voiding the warranty because im sure the welding will do that but I don't think header wrap would work in this area because of clearance issues
Unfortunately you can't just touch up high temp ceramic and expect it to retain all of its beneficial properties; it would have to be completely stripped and redone from scratch (no pun intended).
what would be worse?

leaving the gouges in there or welding it and touching it up?

(stripping and doing it right isn't in the budget right now)
If it is just a gouge and not through just leave it alone, if it has to be repaired just clean it up so it can be welded. Then I would use Eastwood's silver high temp coating P/N 101752 in a can and just touch it up with a brush. I have done whole exhaust systems with that and it holds up great. I have to weld a bung in my collector soon and will be doing that very same thing.
use a stainless rod touch it up with eastwood forget about the warranty they always come up with an excuse to void it anyway and have fun burn'n rubber.
Here check this


Early points UP. Don't assume it has not been changed

thanks, i must have searched the steering/suspension forum back down the the early 2000s and i did come across this thread aswell

i think i will place a small shim underneath the passenger side motor mount (the side that hit) and call it good

i did have the header welded with the stainless rod
now i need to clean up the weld and get a can of the coating and i should be good again :D