


Dec 5, 2008
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arvada, co:)
so in class we are doing welding for the next 3 weeks. so we have been burning a LOT of wire. lol well the smell of welding smoke really makes me want a cigarette again lol. dose that happen to anyone else or am i crazy? lol
Nope, you're not crazy. Happened to me. That's the problem with welding helmets. Hard to fit a smoke under one.
lol whew lol. i quit a few years ago so really dont wanna start again cuz i know if i do i will be hooked again lol
Still trying to quit. You heard about Chantix and the agressive behavior? That was me in spades...but since you've quit then the urge to light up even with the smoke should be easier to handle.
i havent heard of that lol. i quit when i was 15 and am 19 now. i just quit cuz i couldnt get smokes anymore. i still want to smoke but know i shuldnt so its still not easy lol. most things i would say learn by trying but smoking and drugs are some things that i say dont even try once. it makes it so much harder lol
Being able to quit...better than I am. Quit cold turkey once and after a week went back to it. The Chantix made me so aggressive I wanted to kick the a** of an old woman who took too long to cross the street. You should be alright, though. Hang around with smokers? Able to not smoker when you're with them? You should be alright.
My Wife is a Nurse and when we met she had been working in a Urology practice for quite a few years. When I met her favorite Doctor he was steadily cussing people, for smoking, saying that it's the main reason, guys get prostate cancer. You can bet that I'd not question a man that's got an 8 year education and 30 plus years of experience, in figuring this stuff out!
As far as having the urge to smoke, I quit 30 yeas ago July 1, cold turkey, was smoking 2-1/2 to 4 packs a day. It was a *****, but have not had one since.

The kicker, when someone lights one up, that first wisp of smoke smells so damned good, and I want one, but if I had one today, I'd be back @ a pack a day by Monday, and I can't afford these prices.

Isn't welding smoke harder on the lungs than smoking in general? I remeber hearing this in my welding classes years ago.

it probably is. they didnt make that comparison but we have to have the over head ventilation to do it. but u still get the smell and all so it dosent help that lol.
i use too watch my friends smoke in welding class they would put they would make beleve there welding and smoke at the smaetime LMFAO ..that was funny
I'f you knew what was in that welding rod when you burn it, you would wear a resperator. No one knows what kind of toxins are in the imported steel. When you burn it, it goes right into your lung tissue.
I am on my 3rd month of Chantax with sucess after not being able to quit any other way for 23 years. I tried the patch and everything and never made it past 6 days till the pill.
I am on my 3rd month of Chantax with sucess after not being able to quit any other way for 23 years. I tried the patch and everything and never made it past 6 days till the pill.

Glad you're having success. The misery I was causing those around me wasn't worth it. I tried the patch, too, but couldn't keep it lit...
I consider myself lucky, I could not stomach a cigarette if my life depended on it. I've taken a few drags before and the last time I almost threw up and was nauseous for hours, so cigarettes are definitely a "no" for me. Plus add in how much of a waste smoking cigarettes is and how addictive they are, and I can't see how people actually enjoy it. That's not to say I don't smoke anything at all, if you catch my drift... (lol)
Been smokin these GD things for 28 years and regret i ever started. If I had all the money I spent on this stupid addiction I"d have one damn nice car.
I consider myself lucky, I could not stomach a cigarette if my life depended on it. I've taken a few drags before and the last time I almost threw up and was nauseous for hours, so cigarettes are definitely a "no" for me. Plus add in how much of a waste smoking cigarettes is and how addictive they are, and I can't see how people actually enjoy it. That's not to say I don't smoke anything at all, if you catch my drift... (lol)

I tried to smoke back when I was 15.... I had the same results you did. I never picked up the habit but I could smoke the heck out of weed! I wonder the reason behind that... pot didn't effect me.
Still trying to quit. You heard about Chantix and the agressive behavior? That was me in spades...but since you've quit then the urge to light up even with the smoke should be easier to handle.
I'm on my second week of F#$%$#!!#$% chantix and I have to agree with you ramenth my F#$%$#!!#$ attitude stinks I'm ready to tear someones F#$@!#$% head off but I'm not going to give in no way no how.Took a long hard look at how much they are costing me and wondering why I don't have any money for car parts so something had to go and it wasn't going to be my dart.Good luck to those who are quiting
Man, welding just makes me want to drink. :drinkers:

You quit smoking at 15 Tyler? When did you start? I want to give your parents a spanking. :-D

Whatever you do, don't start again.
Best of luck to all of you that are quitting. I'm coming up on eight years off those things and it's probably one of the best things I ever did. There is no magic bullet and it'll always be tough, but eventually you get back to normal and don't need them anymore.