Well crap... eBay carb...



Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2009
Reaction score
Bought a cheap used carb (Holley 3310) off eBay to strip for parts to use on a couple junk carbs I have. Got it for a really good price (at least I thought so) and it was local pickup so I got to actually meet the seller. Turned out to be a kid, probably 15 or 16 (he had his dad drive him to the pickup point). Nice kid, said he'd just rebuilt the carb, was really interested on what I'm putting it on, etc. Got the carb home, put it on the table under some lights, and... dang this thing looks nice. I mean really nice for an old used carb. That, plus the fact that the kid was so proud of his first rebuild, and I almost can't bring myself to strip it down for parts. wtf happened to me? When did I suddenly get soft? I feel ruined...
Well run it as is for a while, then decide!

Carbs are easy to take on and off
Beauty is only skin deep at times. I found that out at a young age with my first love. Try her on and see how she performs.
Carbs 02.png
Put it on and try it. if the others are junk than this one may be better.
Young people interested in this type of thing are normally very detail oriented. I would slap it on in a second and try it.
I'd pull the bowls to see what jets are in it and if the power valve is there, and any good. From there I would compare the internals to the Holley listing as to what internals should be in it. Contact me via PM if you need any help.