well here it is!!!!!



Jul 11, 2009
Reaction score
well after some trouble witht the carb and spark i got it to run just fine this thing flies does every bit of 45-50 its almost to fast its just plain out FAST here is the bike as it sits right now. i got a question how do you post a video on youtube? i have an acount and i want to make a video of the bike running thanks 100_1383.jpg



Looks pretty cool dylan. Just record your video and upload it to your computer. Then sign into youtube and go to your videos... should be an option to upload. Just find the right file and click ok.
If you have an account at youtube you probably won't have to sign in.If it asks you to login then you need your username and password.In the upper right corner there is a button: UPLOAD hit it and on the next screen hit the UPLOAD VIDEO button.It will put you in a search window for your file.Open the file and it will start uploading and show the progress.They take only certain formats,not sure of them all:MOV,JPG.some others.I'm sure you'll figger it out.8)

Ok a little late.
IM NOT GONNA WAX IT LOL im gettting a barstool frame that could use a big motor this thing is fast enough
If you have an account at youtube you probably won't have to sign in.If it asks you to login then you need your username and password.In the upper right corner there is a button: UPLOAD hit it and on the next screen hit the UPLOAD VIDEO button.It will put you in a search window for your file.Open the file and it will start uploading and show the progress.They take only certain formats,not sure of them all:MOV,JPG.some others.I'm sure you'll figger it out.8)

Ok a little late.

That's better, listen to Dreno, haha.
now im doing this off my camera and i hit the record button by acciedent the first time and it uploaded it on the computer now that i got the video i want it isnt coming up on the computer
ya im gonna order one it is fun to roast that tire cuase it is already bald so i wet my drivway and have at it lol
it isnt uploading onto my computer?

Is your camera digital or does it record onto a tape? If it's digital... go into my computer and then find the camera in there... go into the folder (your memory card) and find your video. I think you can do this... I can with my regular digital camera anyway. if it's tape then you'll need to use some sort of recording software on your computer to transfer it over.
i think i got it youtube is uploading somthing? hope it works lol thanks
thanks im gettin my old barstool frame back off my friend monday so that should be intresteding not gonna restore that thought just stick a motor on it cause i want the roof on my car whitch will happen soon cuase i got the 318 and 904 tranny SOLDDDD
That just took me back to the summer of 72!

Cement blocks and boards, endless trails across street (before development & sprall), 5 gallon can full o gas on Saturday morning.

Leaving that 2' tall ramp (2x6) end and flying for what seemed the grand canyon (2' wide creek, 1' deep, dry!)
Seeing your friends with the Yamaha 80's with their jaws dropping cause they were too scared to wreck their bikes their daddy bought them......................PRICELESS!!!

Never got any better than that!!!!8)
this bike dosent jump it does wheelies lol i leaned back on it and gased it. it walked out right from underneith me i saved it though i has power and im gettin better with the wheelies lol its also good at layin rubber like a mini car lol