were did everyone go ?



Big Member
Dec 31, 1969
Reaction score
Bethel, CT
Last month we used up almost all of our band width. Now this month has been real slow. weres everyone hiding ?
Slow? I was thinking that it was picking up...

You've used 12% of your monthly bandwidth since Saturday!

Average visits per day: 598.75
Average pages per day: 15683.25
Average hits per day: 64772.62
Average bandwidth per day: 325.72 MB
Your right. I forgot it was reset with the server change. I was thinking we only use 12% this month.

AdamR said:
Your right. I forgot it was reset with the server change. I was thinking we only use 12% this month.


Ive got the coolest Homer Simpson beer opener. It talks when you use it.
AdamR said:
Ive got the coolest Homer Simpson beer opener. It talks when you use it.

I've got that, the wife got it for me for Xmas last year.

I've also got a Home Rubick's Cube.
I've been self-medicated for the past few days..... nasty-*** head cold I'm fighting. Between the car...snow....head cold...cabin fever.... yadda-yadda-yadda I'm ready to hop a plane and go someplace WARM!

Hmmm.... Maybe I'll grab the wife and go visit her father for a long weekend out in Phenoix :tongue:
buhh.. i feel the head cold coming on. but im trying to up my participation, i was gone for a long time trying to make some money, go to school and time with the girlfriend, whether i like it or not...
six pack said:
Warm???? How about Vegas in April??

Yeah, and the show is on my birthday weekend too. I haven't seen my Father-in-law in about 3 yrs. though....

Then again, maybe I should just stash the coin for the P.O.S. sitting in my garage.... :?