what are my options? fresh-air/360



Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2007
Reaction score
Seattle, WA
I am trying to figure out the logistics for my engine swap. I have decided to swap from a /6 to a 360, most likely stroked to 408 or so.

this is my dilemma - I'm not sure what kind of intake to use, I would love to add a functional scoop and some kind of fresh air system (ala 6-pack, or shaker) but I'm not sure what my options are. can I use a six-pack intake for a 340? will it flow enough for a stroker? this option ( if it is even viable, is a super expensive route... not sure if I'm ready for the associated costs of a six-pack setup. still deciding.)

what are you opinions?

thanks in advance!

You dont say what body style... A 408 will run decent with a 6bbl. But depending on your use and wishes, something else may be better. IN A bodies, there are limited things around. The fiberglass "six pac" (like the '69 RR B body) scoop, the small twin scoops, or the '72-3 "snorkel" type scoops are about it...And none of them come ready to breath outside air. The biggest issue will be fitting something under the hood but over the engine/master cylinder. It's a compact car...lol. Mosy guys just build a tray and seal it to the bottom of the hood. That's fine...unless it rains... There are also cold air packages that pull air from tbelow the front buper, or thru the radiator support. Those work very well, but the kits dont support a 6bbl. I would say there is no "bolt in" setup. Figure on fabricating what you want.