What does your name stand for InkJunkie?



Realist - Free Thinker
Jul 25, 2009
Reaction score
southern Oregon
I just used Inkjunkie as an example, hope you don't mind

InkJunkie, what does InkJunkie stand for?

To give an example of what answer I'm looking for is this, I was given the name HotLines by others in respect to the way I do my pinstriping, the colors I use to compliment a vehicle rather then contrast and the outcome. Persons would say those lines are hot, hence HotLines Joey Madden..... BTW, I do this with a paint brush and straight lines are my specialty.

So........... What do all of your avatar names stand for?
64physhy= '64 fishy for '64 Barracuda. I used to have snake (specifically python) related names, but not into them anymore because of the wife.

My guess is InkJunkie has lots of tattoos and maybe even does tattoos.
I couldn't think of a good one so I grabbed a Hot Wheels car my kid left on the computer desk, it said "Hypermite" on the bottom.
sr71mopar=sr-Santa Rosa(where I live)71(my date of manufacture)mopar(should be an easy one)
mine started with the plot of using a 340(that at the time did not have) in a duster or dart build,(that also, i did not have at the time). lol

and it is the plot of all things. to think of tommorow, you must plot, to know where you have been, it was all part of a plot. to know where you are going, you better have a plot. the plot is just the beginning of the whole story, or situation.
I picked my name because of this, but in hindsight....I would change it :toothy10:


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Hellion - for the crew I hang out with called "hellions" by people who are terrorized by us on our dirtbikes

Loc Dogg - a nic name given to me by a guy called Roach, we all have nicnames

Loc Dogg
Skull Neck aka Big Head & wife Lil Bones
Funk Master (Dj name)
Johnny 5
Big Titty
OG Coal Walker (chic always had dirty *** feet and no shoes)
Butter Face
Lil Bruce
Big Bruce
Giraff Neck Larry

the list goes on.....
Do not mind at all sir.......what started as 1 small tattoo turned into an addiction. Both of my arms and legs are sleeved, I have a back piece, my wedding ring, vampire bite on my neck and 3 swirling sixes on my right hand.....all of my work was done by Tim at http://www.myspace.com/hierarchytattoo2
I think Hotlines is asking Inkjunkie what his stands for you goofs... :toothy10:

My guess is tattoos???

I just used Inkjunkie as an example, hope you don't mind

InkJunkie, what does InkJunkie stand for?

To give an example of what answer I'm looking for is this, I was given the name HotLines by others in respect to the way I do my pinstriping, the colors I use to compliment a vehicle rather then contrast and the outcome. Persons would say those lines are hot, hence HotLines Joey Madden..... BTW, I do this with a paint brush and straight lines are my specialty.

So........... What do all of your avatar names stand for?

I think he wants more
I just used Inkjunkie as an example, hope you don't mind

InkJunkie, what does InkJunkie stand for?

To give an example of what answer I'm looking for is this, I was given the name HotLines by others in respect to the way I do my pinstriping, the colors I use to compliment a vehicle rather then contrast and the outcome. Persons would say those lines are hot, hence HotLines Joey Madden..... BTW, I do this with a paint brush and straight lines are my specialty.

So........... What do all of your avatar names stand for?

He's asking everyone.

Inkjunkie has a few tats hence the name.

360scamp......If you need someone to explain it then there is no help for you. I want to change it because I sold that car a long time ago.
I chose my name DarTT as a reference to the fact that I wanted to create a Twin Turbo slant 6 Dart and prove the power of the slant with twins on it and have still yet to see on running with twins on it. Only pics of one halfway finished. But beware, as I shall one day complete my dream. TT = the abbreviation for twin turbos, and Dart. My favorite A-body ever
colo for colorado where I live, and husker since I went to University of Nebraska and am a huge Husker fan. It's what I use on forums so I don't have to remember different ones. :) Figure I'll know where I live and what team, anything beyond remembering that is a bonus in my book.
Well moose is my nickname, had it since middle school. Some whered kid gave it to me and it stuck. My class ring has moose on it, all my teachers know me by moose, most of my shirts are brown and/or fuzzy hmmmmmm I think its a good nickname, Make me think of the charater from the Archie comics moose the not so smart one hahah